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The votes are in: This is Southampton’s biggest BNOC 2019

‘You just have to pretend to be something you’re not’

After three heats and a grand final, it's time to reveal this year's biggest BNOC.

Harry Norris claims the title with a whopping 560 votes out of a total 1070, that's 52 per cent of the vote.

His popularity stems from his days under the pseudonym Dennis McNennis.

Dennis claimed to be the Switch Shitter, but in reality both Dennis and his claim were BS.

If anything, Harry is a testament to the motto "fake it till you make it."

Image may contain: Coat, Clothing, Overcoat, Apparel, Human, Person, Graduation

The Soton Tab spoke to Harry to find out his thoughts on the matter.

How do you feel now that you've won?

"Surprisingly buzzing I can't lie. It's for such a stupid thing as well but that makes it even sweeter."

Are you surprised you made it this far?

"I wasn't surprised I was nominated by my mates because they're pests of the highest order."

Do you have any words of wisdom for the aspiring BNOC's of 2020?

"It's clear to be a BNOC you just have to pretend to be something you're not.

"Big shoutout to 53 Gordon lot, the River Plato boys and anyone else who voted, much love."

However, Harry's BNOC journey does not end there, he's been chosen to represent Soton in the final of The Tab's UK biggest BNOC competition.

Congrats Harry, and thanks to everyone who nominated and voted – u da realest.