Revealed: The scariest places to be as a Soton student
As as the nights get darker, Soton is only getting scarier…
From petrifying Portswood to horrifying Highfield, all Soton students have been scared out of their wits in and around uni.
As Halloween draws ever nearer, now is the perfect time to reveal all the spookiest spots in Southampton:
Jubilee Gym at peak time
Surrounded by jacked boys on squat racks making zombie-like grunts, you scan the room for any free equipment. Nothing. Wearing the entirety of the Gym Shark website, the girls upstairs hiss as you wait for a treadmill.
How to avoid it? Headphones in; head down. Still not convinced? Join Pure Gym.

He's taken over the whole weights section
Oceana on a Saturday
Full of locals in heels and 11 Degrees shirts necking bottles of Grey Goose and international students with money to burn, this is NOT a typical Ocies Wednesday night.
Where are the hockey players dressed as nachos? Where are the Barbarians wearing tutus?
As you walk through the scanner you wonder: Why the fuck am I here?
Exam season in Hartley
Over-flowing with unduly freshers, reluctant second years and broken third years clutching onto the hopes of a 2.2, Hartley library is far from a studious haven.
If the thought of your exam tomorrow isn't enough to make you cry, the sound of the person next to you chewing their food certainly is.

brb crying
Closing time at Charcoal Grill
Picture the scene: It’s 2:55am. Your Uber driver is speeding down Portswood High Street at your request. As you reach the red doors you narrowly avoid a box of cheesy chips hurtling across the shop, only to hear the man behind the counter shouting “WE’RE CLOSED!”
You retreat home and glare at the smug Iceland chips in your freezer, full of nothing but disappointment and loathing.
The revamped Switch main floor
Only returning students will know this newfound fear. You might have made it past the new entrance but once you’re in, you’re stuck.
Lost your friends? They’re gone forever. How did you get to the bar? Who knows. How on Earth do I leave? Just wait until the bouncers chuck you out, at least they seem to know where the exit is.

Haha help me x
Church Lane
You thought you could make your 9am with time to spare? Foolish. You’re panting already and you’ve only gone downhill.
The sweat begins to creep in past house number 23 and you instantly regret the full face of make-up you applied earlier.
As you admit defeat and turn to retreat back to Portswood, you realise you’ve trapped yourself in a valley-like limbo.

Will it ever end?
Portswood high street
Perhaps the most mystifying place in Soton, Portswood is home to a myriad of creatures.
From the eerily empty Blockbuster to shockingly low hygiene ratings, the high street is a dangerous place at any hour.
As you traipse further down the high street, you wonder whether to turn back. But no true Soton student can resist the alluring aroma drifting from Manzil's.

Who even knows what lurks in here