Still got some of your student loan left? Good because 7Bone is reopening!!
The restaurant will be doing takeaway from Tuesday
In news that will make all Soton students sob tears of joy, 7Bone will be reopening on Tuesday.
The restaurant closed on 29 March in line with government guidelines to help control the coronavirus pandemic, but from Tuesday it will now be open for takeaway and delivery.
The company tweeted yesterday: “Been craving your 7B fix? Guess who’s back”, saying that it would be reopening six of its eateries for takeaway, including Southampton Portswood, from 5pm on Tuesday.
The announcement led to excitement from the public with people tweeting that they had “never been so excited” and that they would be “ordering the whole menu”.
Another person even called it a “lockdown miracle”.
The original 7Bone is located along Portswood High Street and is popular with both Soton residents and students.
7Bone will also be reopening its Bournemouth, Portsmouth, Camberley, Reading, and Newbury restaurants on Tuesday. Its Eastbourne, Hove and Northampton restaurants will remain closed for now.
The Daily Echo reported that strict measures will be put in place in all 7Bone locations that are reopening, and they will abide by social distancing regulations.
The news comes as Boris Johnson plans to ease lockdown measures on Monday, though there is much speculation about what changes, if any, will be made.
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