A Girls Night In event is taking place in Southampton this week
The national movement is calling for more measures to be put in place to prevent spiking in clubs.
A Girls Night In event is taking place in Southampton this week on the 22nd and 27th October.
Girls Night In is a movement happening all over the country where people are encouraged to boycott nightclubs for the night in an effort to make nightclubs to introduce more measures to help stop people getting spiked.
The movement encourages everyone to be involved, not just women, in order to make the biggest impact possible.
An Instagram page was made on Monday for the Southampton event. As of the 22nd October the page has over 1200 followers and posts about how the movement is making an impact, why it’s important and what you can do to help.
The organisers of the event are four housemates who are part of the Monte Netball team and all in their third year. They are working in collaboration with the Consent Awareness and Sexual Health Education Society to run the boycotts.
The Soton Tab spoke to the organisers, who said: “We have experienced quite a bit of spiking over the years on social nights out. The fact that even when surrounded by students you aren’t safe scared us.
“We had obviously seen the pages popping up for each city and saw that Southampton didn’t have one yet.
“We had one of our freshers spiked just last week on our social, so we decided to fill the gap. As a sports team we could quickly get other teams on board with us and already have close ties to the university student union so we can get their support too. We would like to unite with Solent students also in this movement.
“This event is so important to make people listen. We already have enough to worry about when we go out, why can’t we be sure that at least our drinks are safe? With this new trend of spiking by being injected, you can’t even just cover your drink to protect yourself.
“With two of the biggest clubs in Southampton having no form of door checks around what’s in your bag or on your body, it’s no wonder cases are scarily high.”
The Soton Tab have approached Switch and Trilogy for comment. Switch have released a statement on Instagram to say they are taking the issue of spiking “very seriously.”
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• Girls are reporting being spiked by injection – I’m terrified to go clubbing
• This is how you can tell if your drink has been spiked
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