Five things you must listen to!

Your weekly genre round up. Pump up the volume!


Robbie Williams Go Gentle

The man who some claim to have carried the torch for British music ever since Britpop’s demise, returns with a record carrying softer, yet more instrument driven tunes. There are pianos and elements of big band, whistling and the classic choruses Robbie has always known to provide his listeners with. This is an album dabbling in old fashioned styles, but providing the pop scene with something still undeniably fresh.


Men Among Animals Buried Handsome

A Danish group with Interpol/Editors similarities, but the quirkiness of Wild Beasts. A good mix of acoustic, electronic rock, and harmonies.


Perversifier  Perverting the Masses

French Metal with thrashing drums for those who need something aggressive to fuel motivation in an overwhelming work load.

Punk Rock

DeeCracks Attention! Deficit Disorder

Austrian outfit out to bring back memories of The Ramones with their short, yet catchy songs about being different from the mainstream.


Ben Woods An Attempt to Fly

Simple whole note chords hold out to suggest imagery, inferred by the album’s title, of the feeling one goes through after losing someone important and how to progress in life without them. It feels like a raindrop slowly falling from a leaf or the mind of a passenger on a plane leaving home for good.


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