Image may contain: Monk, Poncho, Clothing, Cloak, Person, People, Human

The snow is gone, but the memories of St Andrews in it are here to stay

There really is snow place like home


Snow is not something we see too often in this place, so when it does fall and stays long enough for us to enjoy it, we make sure to get some damn good photos.

As we all know, Instagram is where it happens and so, in true Tab style we have searched the depths of #snowplacelikefoam and #INSTAndrews to bring you the best of the best of our tiny East Neuk town. Red gowns galore, snow men springing up like trees and Hunters pulled out from the depths of the closet, people weren't messing about when it came to capturing St Andrews at its best.

A undergrad's dream

Can cathedrals be "on fleek"?

Water polo made a friend – literally

A 9am has never been more worth going to…even if it is for the view!

The cold never bothered her anyway…

The Quad is more than just a place to go to class – it's also a great modelling backdrop

This town's natural beauty is something to be jealous of

It's safe to say we had a blast

Despite cancelling most of our classes, the Beast from the East gave us a great week of fun and some great moments with friends to create memories that'll last forever. Until next year…