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Former Director of School of Economics and Finance prepares to hand herself into Police

Former Catalan minister who returned to Scotland in October had her arrest warrant issued on Friday

A European Arrest Warrant has been issued for Clara Ponsati to hand herself in for arrest. The warrant was issued on Friday, however this afternoon her lawyers announced she was preparing to hand herself into the police.

Nicola Sturgeon has commented on the matter, saying that although she does not support the Spanish Government's decision to seek the arrest of independence supporting Spanish Ministers, however there is little her or her ministers can do to intervene in the extradition process.

The Courier has reported a Police Scotland spokesperson as saying: "We can confirm we in possession of a European arrest warrant for Clara Ponsati"

"We have made a number of enquiries to try to trace her and have now been contacted by her solicitor, who is making arrangements for Ms Ponsati to hand herself into police.”

A university spokesperson also commented on the matter saying: "We are aware that a warrant has been issued [and] we are staying in close touch with Clara and we will continue to monitor developments very carefully.”

(All quotes from The Courier)

(Photo credit to BBC online)