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St. Andrews Gin society produces a ‘First Kiss’ video and we have some thoughts

Chin Chin Pass me the Gin: a new society in town

With over 130 million views on YouTube, the original ‘First Kiss’ video attracted widespread media attention, but now the newly formed Gin Society have done their own to promote their upcoming Maiden event which will include ‘real snakes’.

It follows the same format as the original, except this time, holding goblets of Gin to promote the society.

‘So, you’re Holly, I’m Peter’ the first awkward conversation starts with the accompanying sound of jangling ice in the goblets. We are led on to the opening of the other eight conversations with one remarking ‘Russia? You don’t sound like you’re from Russia’ – small talk to make even Hugh Grant envious!?! The diversity of the video is in keeping with the original featuring six heterosexual couples and two homosexual.

On finishing the kiss, one cooly remarks ‘That Good?’ as if waiting for feedback on a recently submitted essay that will end up scoring an 11.

Hands up who was secretly watching and judging everyone's kissing ability rather than thinking 'wow, I really want some gin now'?

That said, the execution of the video can't be faulted which I think is superb. Whether the video is the reason tickets to their maiden event sold out on release night is questionable but it certainly makes it an event worth anticipating. Being a lover of Gin, I am excited for Gin Soc and I hope that it proves to be everything that it claims, ‘Gin & Good Times, It’s that simple’. The society has been started by two first year brothers (Jonah and Toby Lowenstein), who are taking an impressive leap into the world of St. Andrews events

However, not all have reacted the same as myself. Gin Soc has had a mixed reception, to say the least, with over 550 highlighting their interest in the Maiden Event, which has been sponsored by entry level premium gin brand, Sipsmith Gin. Criticism has been rife, as with any St Andrew’s event on Feudrews 2.0 with comments including:

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Only time will tell if Gin Society will be ‘as disappointing as you are in bed’ or whether it will join the ranks of some of St Andrews’ top societies. All eyes on their ‘sold out’ Maiden event then!

Gin Society's First Kiss video:

The Original First kiss video:

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Gin Society's logo