Strathclyde from the archives: The tech back in the day

It was a simpler time

The Tab got hold of some classic golden-oldie snaps around campus to show what life was like for pupils of bygone eras.

From the 1800’s through World War two and ration books to the swinging 60s and the Cold War, the Tech has been through it all.

Andersonian Library

The entrance in the 60s is pretty much identical even down to those benches and flowerpots. How great it must have been to enter without airport-like security measures.

The original Andersonian back in 1880s is like something out of Hogwarts.

Andersonian 1880’s

The library was temporarily moved to the Curran building in 1986.

Legend Sir Samuel Curran helped build the atomic bomb back in the 40s in California, then returned to Glasgow to teach lectures.

We even had a mascot: The Anderson Lion. Some stoner inside was the furry face of Strathclyde prospects who helped run campaigns and even did a parachute jump.

Picking up chicks


Take a walk through campus and see those familiar iron sculptures built in the 70s.

We’ve tidied up a bit since those industrial-site like days.

That hill you hate so much has always been there. Psychedelic 60s kids know the struggle.

Colville opened its’ doors 1966 for mechanical and civil engineering pupils, two year after we were registered as a university.

Here’s the Mccance building with Livingstone tower in the distance.

As ever, parking was a nightmare.

Royal College

The Royal College pool when it opened in the 60s.


If you dread returning to 9am lectures, imagine having to learn at 8am a Saturday like this Mechanics class in 1822.

Forget SAAS and loans, here you paid: “Five shillings at commencement, five shillings in the middle of winter.”

Student Magazine

The creative kids of yesteryear had some pretty funky cover designs with this colourful montage of different editions from 1908-1977.

Fashions and trends change and things come and go, but whether it’s 1822 or 2015, there’s really only one uni in Glasgow.

Photos all sourced from The University of Strathclyde Library, Department of Archives and Special Collections and The Herald and Times group.