Overheard – Week 1

A collection of daily ramblings from the academic elite.


We here at the tab have sent our number 1 spy/creep to listen into your conversations this week. And it must be said, some of you are hilarious. A great philosopher once said “if you open your mind too much, your brain will fall out”. The same may be said for your ears.

“As soon as the action reaches the woods, the main focuses are food and sex…it’s a lot like freshers week” – Overheard in a drama seminar.

“He put a what up your where” “A thumb… up my bum” – Overheard in the Co-op que.

“You look like you’re made of butter” – Overheard in the gym.

“If you’re finding this difficult, you could always switch to English. Short term: problem solved. Long term: you’re jobless” – Overheard in a psychology lecture.

“I think this girl is listening to our conversation” – Overheard in Eat Central

Tweet @WhoTheBelle with anything you overhear.