How to keep the love alive: Post-Valentine’s Day nail tutorial

With the day of love over for another year, Becka shows us how to sustain the romance with a bit of nail art until next year.

Firstly you need to paint your nail white, after having put on a base

Then, using any colour you wish, paint two circles on your nail.

Next, using a black varnish, using a dotting tool or toothpick, outline
the circles, as in the picture.

Then, still using your dotting tool or toothpick and black varnish, paint
two curves inside the circle to represent the petals.

Finally, using a green varnish, paint two triangles either side of the
roses to make the leaves. If you have a lighter shade of green, you can
paint a smaller triangle inside your leaves for extra detail.

For those of you who want something a bit more subtle, then I have a
second design for you.

Again, paint your nail white.

Then, in the top right corner, paint two small dots in red varnish.

Then finally, using a dotting tool or toothpick, paint a little triangle
linking the circles together to create a little heart.

As always, finish with a top coat.