How many Chinese students does it take to change a lightbulb?
Foreign students become the vast majority at British uni’s.
- 74% of postgraduate students come from outside the UK
- 23% of masters students in England are from China
- 26% of masters students in England are from the UK
- But these stats actually show a decline in foreign students
It was revealed today that nearly three-quarters of masters students come from outside the UK.
The stats go on to show that there is almost as many Chinese nationals as there are Brits studying in postgraduate courses throughout the UK.
The vast numbers of overseas students has raised a classic debate over immigration. While some observers feel that more British students should fill the places at British universities, other figures such as Sally Hunt, the general secretary of the University and College Union, said that “International students make a huge contribution to academic and cultural life on campuses and in our cities, they also make a valuable contribution to our economy”.
While the number of postgraduate Chinese students has risen by 9% this year, the overall proportion of overseas students has actually dropped for the first time in 30 years.
The total number of foreign students have dropped from 311,800 to 301,205
This decline is supposedly due to a number of factors, namely the rise in tuition fees. Sources state that the rise in tuition fees is directly related to the fact that EU students have dropped by a quarter.
The drop in foreign students is also supposedly due to a tighter visa regime outside of the EU as well as a ban on students working in the UK after graduation. This has mainly led to a fall of 25% in Indian and Pakistani students.
Even with the numbers falling, some Conservative MP’s have called for a cap on foreign students.
However university officials have banded together to warn the coalition that a decline in foreign students would have a serious negative impact on university finances. The proposed loses could amount to 30%.
The NUS has stated that the governments hostile attitude towards immigration is to blame. Daniel Stevens, an NUS officer, has said that “many international students feel unwelcome in the UK as a result of the government’s hostile and overzealous policies”.
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