Lib Dem soc blast Greens for ‘illegal and dishonest’ antics on campus
‘Students for Caroline’ have been persuading students to hand over their right to vote to Green campaigners
The Green party’s “Students for Caroline”, who can often be seen in library square, have been persuading students to sign proxy voting forms which have already been filled out to vote Green.
This enables students to vote Green in Brighton in the general election this May, even if they are not in town.
Green representatives can hand in the proxy forms on behalf of voters.
The Lib Dem society has condemned the Greens, calling the proxy voting forms “illegal” and “dishonest” on Facebook, and arguing “people have been given 18 months’ imprisonment before for proxy vote fraud”.
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The Electoral Commision have also slated the actions of the Greens.
A spokesperson said: “Our non-statutory code of conduct says voters should not be encouraged to appoint a campaigner as a proxy to minimise the risk of suspicions that campaigners are placing undue pressure on voters.
“We have been in contact with the Green Party to make clear this is not acceptable campaigning behaviour.
“They have now stopped these activities and we will continue monitoring to make sure there is no repeat.”
Students for Caroline, however, defended their actions.
Speaking to The Badger, a spokesperson for the group said: “Many students are extremely keen to make sure their voice is counted on May 7, and so some, who know they won’t be able to vote in person or by post because of holiday and postal vote timings, are asking instead for a proxy vote.
“Ideally, we hope as many students as possible will be able to vote in person or by post. But where that just won’t be an option for them, proxy voting is a well-recognised solution they’re able to choose if they’d like.”