Islamophobic charity benefactors cause chaos on campus

They shouted ‘ISIS are coming’ at the Muslim Student Centre

A group of young men who were benefiting from a charity scheme run by Brighton and Hove Albion have been identified as the perpetrators of aggressive Islamophobia on campus.

On Friday 20th November, a week after the terror attacks in Paris which were caused by IS, the group of young males gathered outside the Muslim Prayer Centre, disrupting congregational prayer by shouting hateful comments such as “ISIS are coming!” The group allegedly also popped a balloon and started yelling “bomb”.

They were identified by both CCTV and a witness statement.

The meeting house, a place for those of all religious beliefs

The men in question are believed to have been benefiting from a scheme run by Albion in the Community, the charity branch of local football team Brighton and Hove Albion.

A spokesperson from the charity has suspended the six men involved. They will be barred from “participating with the community programme pending further investigation.”

Speaking to The Badger, Barbhuiyan, President of the Islamic Society, has voiced his hopes that the perpetrators of these actions might meet with him. He said: “Hopefully, rather than a divisive community, we can build one united on mutual respect and understanding.”