Why you should be hyped for Varsity 2016
We’re going for a third successive title
One City. Two Universities. A conflict of high intensity and no mercy. Pride and reputation put on the line. A rivalry that reaches its annual climax at Varsity.
If Sky was screening the varsity, this is how they would bill it. But, beyond the hyperbole, there are so many reasons why this year’s event, taking place on March 13, promises to be the best yet.
This year, Sussex are going for a third successive title and last year’s encounter defined the high levels of drama and passion of such a brutal contest, producing a more dramatic finale than a Game of Thrones series.
Who Will Triumph?
The Men’s Basketball encounter will also be one to watch, seeing as the record of the head-to-head stands at 9-9 after 18 contests.
Sussex took the advantage with a remarkable 3-0 Volleyball set victory last year, while the most intense Women’s Basketball matches was being played out. Students were preparing themselves for a tie before this happened:
Isn’t Sport Just Wonderful?
Cue a court invasion full of happiness, pride, and a lot of emotion. Heroes had been made, voices had been lost. Sussex took Varsity 11-9 on a remarkable day of sport.
The gloating could begin.
Boy It Was Close
Varsity is bloody amazing when Sussex wins. Which we always do. Because in reality, Sussex and Brigthon were made to hate each other. Is there any better way to clarify Sussex’s dominance than to triumph for a third year in a row? Would such a victory force Brighton into a submission of inferiority (Even if only on YikYak)? No one can predict these things. But they can influence them.
Varsity isn’t just about the Rugby
On Varsity Sunday, which will fall on March 13th this year, the way of life is to either participate or side-line. Alcohol is encouraged (mandatory). It is the event of the year and the time you feel the pride of being at the best university in this city.
More than anything, it’s an opportunity to witness sport of the highest quality. Why pay £77 to watch the worst Liverpool side in years when you could have watched Sussex Women’s Football legend Georgia Bliss curl a 25 Yard free kick into the top corner for free?
Mohawks will be ready. (If Brighton manage to field a team this year…..)
Over the coming weeks every sports team will be pushing themselves the extra mile to be ready for Varsity. From American Football to Ultimate Frisbee. On Sunday 13th March Sussex take on Brighton in 19 individual battles as one.
And we win our third successive title.
Make sure you’re there.