Two buildings on Sussex campus have been occupied by two different groups of protesters
One group are campaigning against sexual harassment, the other against the deportation of a Sussex grad
Two separate groups of protesters have coincidentally occupied two different buildings on campus within a 2 day period.
Yesterday, a group of student protesters occupied Sussex House in an attempt to raise awareness of sexual harassment on campus.
The group have also been bearing mattresses at the front of campus for the cause. A study by the NUS in 2010 found that in the academic year of 2009/10, one in seven women students in the UK have experienced a serious physical or sexual assault during their studies.
The group are demanding uni staff to provide a safer space for students to learn and study, free from sexual harassment. The online petition for the cause, which demands “that the university takes action to address the problem of sexual harassment and violence, thereby showing its dedication to the rights and welfare of its students”, has reached 351 signatures in a matter of hours.
Today, another group of students protesting against the deportation of Sussex graduate Luqman, who will not be able to receive treatment for his life-threatening illness in his home country of Nigeria, have occupied the top floor of Bramber House. The students have locked themselves in and are bearing flags and banners, and managed to gain access after a planned protest. Bramber House is a popular target for occupation. Two years ago, students occupied the same building to protest the privatisation of University services.
Over the past month, the story of Luqman has gone viral. He faces deportation to a ‘death sentence’, having missed his deadline to appeal to stay in the UK due to the fact that he was in hospital. He suffers from a chronic liver disease, and has already lost two of his siblings to the illness. The Home Office says an independent immigration judge found Mr Onikosi had no right to remain in the UK.
Luqman is a valued member of the Sussex community
More on these occupations as we get it.