BREAKING: Convicted abuser no longer employed at Sussex
After much pressure, the senior lecturer has now left the university
Sussex university have officially released a statement declaring that Lee Salter, a senior lecturer who was found guilty of domestic abuse towards his student girlfriend, is no longer employed by the university.
The university was under a lot of pressure from academics, students, and other groups across Brighton and the country where many called for the sacking of Lee Salter. A petition that was created yesterday already managed to get over 2500 signings from people who wished Lee Salter to be sacked.
It is unclear whether Lee Salter was sacked or resigned on his own accord however we hope that Sussex university has listened to its students and members of the community to do the right thing and fired Lee Salter.
Many had expressed their concerns over the discovery made by The Independent newspaper about Lee Salter’s arrest and conviction regarding domestic violence. The Sussex student union were quick to voice their stance on the matter stating that they wished Lee Salter to be sacked by the university. Members of the community were also very vocal with some claiming that this had not been the first time that Sussex has had faculty that have gone beyond tolerable behaviour.
The Sussex gender studies centre had this to say regarding the incident:
“We are deeply saddened by the revelations which have emerged concerning the university today, and our hearts are with brave Allison Smith who has spoken out about her experience. Colleagues at the Centre and elsewhere in the university have been working hard for a number of years now to address issues around sexual and gender-based violence against students, and a lot of progress has been made – but this case is a crushing reminder that there is much left to do. We continue our work with renewed urgency, and will be asking for a strong commitment by the university to the protection of our students. We are in solidarity and grief with the student and staff community.”
However, we can be a lot happier knowing that Sussex will not play host to those who threaten the safety of the university.
Sussex university’s official statement can be read below:
“Dr Lee Salter is no longer employed by the University of Sussex.
Due to the court proceedings there were some things we were unable to comment on but this matter has been, and will continue to be, of utmost priority for the University.
We will be reviewing all relevant University regulations and procedures and will comprehensively address any concerns or lessons which may arise from this case.
The University does not tolerate violence of any sort and the safety of our students is absolutely paramount.”