The SU will be providing students with drug testing kits
The kits will be available in the next few weeks on a ‘pay as you feel’ basis.
Sussex Student Union announced in their plan for the year that they will be making drug testing kits available to students to increase knowledge and raise awareness for drug misuse.
The drug testing kits will allow you to test the purity of drugs including cocaine and MDMA in case they contain substances other than what they were advertised as.
The SU said: “If you choose to use drugs it is important to think about where your drugs have come from, and how you can minimise harm from drugs, whilst still having a good time. It is safer to test them first to prevent harm and potentially save your life.”
The kits work by putting some of the substance in a solution which will change colour based on what chemicals are present in the substance. It is important that you do not take the drug in the solution as it will be toxic.
Although the university are encouraging the safe use of illegal substances, disciplinary action, from fines to being asked to leave the university, are in place. Students found in possession of illegal drugs in Students’ Union buildings will have them confiscated.
The plan will be put into action in the next few weeks once distribution points are finalised.
If you feel pressured to take drugs or want to quit, the University Counselling Service offers confidential support from professionals who are specially trained in drug and alcohol support. You can access the University’s Student Life Centre for informal support and advice. Find out about these options at www.sussex.ac.uk/wellbeing which also includes information about local and national services.