Sussex University reveals new accommodation prices, huge cuts in current housing prices

A third of residences will see their rent drop

The University of Sussex has confirmed that, for the academic year 2018/2019, rents will be cut for roughly one in three students living in on-campus accommodation. They have also confirmed the prices for the new accommodation opening it's doors for 2018/2019.

Just under 1,400 rooms will be seeing a reduction in their weekly costs next academic year. This decision was reached after the University worked closely with the Students' Union, with the University wanting to 'reaffirm its commitment to providing a range of price points for student residences.'

The reductions are as follows;

Park Village

Park Village rent will drop from £98.53 a week to just £90 a week. This is only £1.44 a week more expensive than the current East Slope residences, helping to fill the affordable void which will be left by their removal.

Lewes Court

Rent in Lewes court will be £119 a week next year, down from £128.74, making it the largest change in rent, with a drop of over 7%.

Park Houses

The rent in Park Houses will drop from £115.83 per week to just £111 per week.

Next year will also see the introduction of a new student village, with a certain number of the residences being available to move in for the new academic year. The new residences will cost £156.65 per week, just over the cost of a room in Northfield or Swanborough. The rent cuts announced today are in an attempt to ensure that residences are still available at a variety of prices for the varying budgets of students attending Sussex next year.

Frida Gustafsson, SU president, tells us that "This is the fantastic result of work by the last President, Annie Pickering, who argued for it at University committees, and the student-led Cut The Rent campaign, who were instrumental in making sure accommodation remains affordable at Sussex after East Slope is replaced.

"This shows just how much change can be achieved when students organise; it is a great victory for our student body! However, this does not mean the fight for affordable rent is over. Rent still remains incredibly high in Brighton and we need to make sure that this is seen as the first step towards affordable housing for both students and residents."