What does your Sussex Uni campus lunch say about you?
You are what you eat
With term coming to an end and deadlines approaching fast, it's time to reflect on the person you've become over this past year and the daily lunches you've chosen on campus.
East Slope
You'll be the middle-aged man in the pub every night when you're older. You just love a good old lager, you grandpa, you. You tell yourself you deserve an early drink with your lunch, because why the hell not? You've earned it today. Skint Tuesday is where everyone will find you every week, and Happy Hour 5-8pm everyday? There's no place you'd rather be.
You probably live on campus because nobody who has access to any other supermarket would accept these ridiculous prices. You just cannot be bothered to get the bus all the way into town to do shopping, so since you need to get milk and a few bits for the evening anyway, you thought you might as well get your lunch here.
Clearly, you're an effective opportunist, but still not organised enough to head to Aldi and save a few pennies on your groceries. Still, 10% off for students is a good deal, and you can't resist a good deal.
Eat Central
You may not be able to cook, don't have time to cook, but that £4.99 meal deal calls your name morning, lunch, and dinner. It's just too good to miss out on.
You enjoy comfort, and by comfort I mean comfort food. You miss your home cooked meals terribly, and Eat Central is the only place you're going to be able to fill up that empty void. Literally.
Dine Central
Even though everyone thinks Eat Central and Dine Central are the same, if you go to Dine Central you definitely prefer the quietness. You hate loud people, and are probably the one that tells their flat mates to keep their music down all the time.
You are probably here either to finish work, because the library is way too busy, or are meeting with someone important to have a conversation in quiet. You're definitely the secretive and private one of your group.
Jubilee Café
You tell your friends, "Why does nobody know this exists, it's so good!", but they still furrow their brow. Better for you, since now you can enjoy your nice lunch without worrying it will get too full.
Secretly, you hate people and would rather be sitting in your room alone right now. You're a business student and after unsuccessfully trying to find one of the pods to study in, you've resorted to the café and scowl at anyone chatting and laughing.
Packed Lunch
You're either on a diet, trying to save a few pennies, just prefer your own cooked meals, or all of the above. Good news! You're the most organised of all your friends and definitely the frugal with all that money you've saved.
You might even be trying to watch what you eat and have weighed and calculate everything in the tupperware box precisely, yet you still stare jealously at people with their burger and chips in Falmer Bar.
Definitely an arts or media student. Your tutor has finally let you out of the labyrinth that is Silverstone to get a coffee, and as this is the closest place to go to grab a bit of food with it, which you desperately need since all your strength is taken up by carrying that heavy media equipment, you make a run for Dhaba. It's your own little secret heaven.
Arts Piazza
Seriously… who goes here really?
Falmer Bar
You are the life and soul of the party. You also care about your food more than about your lecture. You have mastered the perfect timing to get here, which is sneaking out of your lecture early, so that you arrive just before lectures end for everyone else, otherwise there is no chance for you to grab your favourite meal, and save the booth for your squad.
Cheesy chips and a pint are your go-to, and you dread to think of the day when you finish uni, and have to say goodbye, not to your friends, but your favourite place in the world.
You have the stamp card and are awaiting the day when you finally get your free favourite panini. You are trying to be the cool kid in the group, but the fact that you always choose the same halloumi option shows that deep down you are more insecure than you like to show and like to stick with what you know.
Room 76
You enjoy the artsy vibes and are still hoping to see a cool music group to get up on stage and play… although that never seems to happen when you are here. Nevertheless, it's got great lights for creative Instagram selfies and if you can get it right, it might just look like you're having lunch somewhere unique, and not just on campus.
Your standard order is an iced vanilla latte, and instead of doing your reading, you're trying to find the perfect lighting for that perfect Instagram.
Library Café
Library café is your saviour right now as you down a triple-shot espresso and run back to the library to get that essay in for the 4pm deadline. You tried so hard to be 'Packed Lunch', but you're not very good at self-discipline and have spent too much time chilling and clubbing, and not enough on your uni responsibilities.
The stress is getting too much, so you treat yourself with just one more episode of 'The Crown', but that one turns into five, and before you know it, you've got 45 minutes to do 500 words more and a conclusion. I bet you're still hungover from last night.
ACCA (Attenborough Centre for Creative Arts Café)
Student loan just dropped? Dad's weekly allowance just came in? This is where you'll be, splurging £5 on a sandwich and some salted crisps, and feeling like Richard Branson by keeping up with your classy style, convincing yourself that it was all worth it.
One week later you'll completely regret it as your bank balance keeps on dropping, but not to worry, your weekly allowance comes in tomorrow! Let me guess: Fiat 500 girl?