London versus Brighton – which is the better city?
Hippies vs hipsters
In a city like Brighton, the shops close at six, Oyster cards don't exist and their idea of fine dining is a fancier version of fish and chips. If someone had told me I'd be moving here two years ago, I would have probably laughed in their face.
Having lived in Brighton for over a year now, I’ve come to call this city home, or at least, somewhere I can nurse my hangover. So, without further adieu, let's answer the real question. What city is the place to be and which is best left on a tourist postcard?
The weekly Brighton routine goes a little something like this: Arch Tuesday's, Pryzm Wednesday's and on Fridays – it's gotta be Coalition. The Brighton lot have got the schedule of cheap shots and cheesy tunes on lock. So much so, I can no longer resist a cheeky slut drop to Chainsmokers in the main room of Pryzm. C'mon, it's Brighton tradition.
London, on the other hand, has so many options. Cocktails in Camden, XOYO in Shoreditch, or even just scouting out some sugar Daddies. Oh, I mean respectable gentlemen in Piccadilly's Tiger Tiger. Drinks do cost a arm and a leg however, RIP bank balance.
Ah Pryzm, the spiritual home of fuckboys, fake eyelashes and Ciroc.
Brighton, you don't use Oyster? The amount of times my phone dies in a day is a joke, yet you expect me to use it to get on a bus? Totally reliable.
In London, some puppy dog eyes and a promise to remember your Oyster card next time, can get you on a bus. That being said, the average price to get around is six to seven pounds a day. I think I am better off chancing my luck with a portable charger.
The views
After spending the majority of my life amongst high rise business towers, heavy traffic and even heavier pollution, Brighton is beyond refreshing. The bright blue ocean and Balamory-esque streets are so beautiful.
From the rolling hills of the Stanmer Park to cobblestoned streets of the North Laines, there's no shortage of sights to see. Brighton is so exciting, I strongly recommended a visit.
Who needs cardio when I can just roll down a hill?
London can go from glamorous fashion week style to a low budget Stormzy video vibe.
In Brighton, however, it’s such a different story. The aesthetic generally ranges from "I’m saving the planet" to "I'm a level 10 on Asos" . Brighton has an abundance of antique and vintage shops, to buy only the finest hipster apparel. If thrift shops aren't your thing, there’s always Churchill square for your high street fix.
General friendliness
On this one, Brighton is a clear winner. Since moving here, I have realised that not everyone is grumpy asf. In Brighton, whenever you pass someone in the street, they'll actually smile at you. They also so polite, saying things like: "good morning", "please" and "thank you". Can you imagine?
If I sound shocked, it's because I genuinely am. In London, when people aren't shoving past you to get on the tube, they're grumbling at you on the streets.
I guess, all in all, both London and Brighton have their ups and downs. Living in Brighton has let me experience the pollution-free air that I never knew existed. I also finally get to wear trainers on a night out.
Yet, when the nights grow colder and the 25 bus takes yet another irrelevant detour, I can't help but think that, sometimes, life would be so much simpler if I could just hop on a tube.