An honest review of: Coldean
Yeah it’s walking to distance to uni, but is it even in Brighton?
It's house hunting season, so unless you're so organised you've already found somewhere, or you're the lazy housemate who hasn't even heard of Zoopla, you'll be stressed out.
Hopefully this article will alleviate some stress by giving you an honest review of what it's like to live in Coldean.

Who wouldn't love to do this pretty walk to uni every day? Buddy up though
It's walking distance to Uni
One of the main draws of living in the Coldean area is its proximity to campus. Not only can you start the day with a nice walk through the woodland of Stanmer Park, you don't have to worry about the 'Sorry! Bus Full Up' sign ever again!
…But it's literally not even close to anywhere else
Yeah you can walk to uni but have fun having to catch the bus to get literally anywhere. There's only two corner shops in the entirety of the Coldean area so it sucks to be you if you forgot to get alcohol before pres. And there's nothing worse on a night out than being on the bus back for so long that you've already sobered up and started your hangover. Despite the BN1 postcode, Brighton is basically just one of the nearby towns.

The Local Amenity
It's located right in between two murder sites
Yup! Slap bang in-between Wild Park and Stanmer Park, Coldean is sandwiched by the sites of two of Brighton's most famous murders. Lock your doors and stay in groups of two or more…at all times!
Varley Park
There's nothing worse than waiting in the rain to get the bus – a bus which will take 35 minutes – to go to your minimum wage job serving over-priced drinks to posh old people. Oh wait. There is something worse. That scenario but add a whole bunch of Brighton Uni freshers who think playing Drake from their tinny Samsung speaker is socially acceptable. That is the joy of sharing the same bus stop as Varley Park.
Honestly, there is nothing more embarrassing than getting off at the Varley Park bus stop with everyone on the bus judging you for being a Brighton Uni First Year.
But it's cheap(ish)!
Yeah it might be the most inconvenient place in Brighton to live but the rent is generally so much cheaper in Coldean. So, if you think Brighton's a shit hole and the only club night you'd dream of going to is Skint Tuesdays, then perhaps Coldean is a cheap choice for you.
So…what's the verdict?
Coldean is a fantastic place to live! That is if you only leave the house to go to uni; are organised enough to live without a corner shop to buy some milk; don't mind being surrounded by murderers and old people; don't mind being harassed by University of Brighton Fresher's at bus stops; enjoy long bus journeys; and hate other students. Let's face it, every student living in Coldean is only there because the rent is cheap!