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A guide to sustainable living in Brighton

How to be more eco-friendly and make Attenborough proud

It's no secret that Brighton has a reputation for being one of the greenest cities in the UK, and with ever-growing concern for the environment, the time has never been better to try and live more sustainably, whether that's by cutting down waste production, reducing carbon emissions, or even just adopting a more environmentally-friendly mindset.

Reducing Waste Production

The term 'zero-waste' can be daunting- the average UK household produces over a tonne of waste per year, and single-use plastic is very much embedded into everyday life.

However, Brighton is arguably one of the best cities in which to live a low-waste life; with many shops demonstrating how to live without all the plastic packaging. Here are some of the best places to shop:


HISBE (How It Should Be)- self-proclaimed 'supermarket rebels' offer a simple, straightforward system for buying food essentials- you weigh out each item, fill paper bags or your own containers, then print out the label (this part is also very satisfying). This way, you can get your groceries without the pesky packaging.

HISBE also sell fresh fruit and veg, as well as many sustainable, environmentally-friendly and reusable items- such as toothbrushes and cleaning products.


Brighton's original zero-waste shop, the system is similar to that of HISBE, whereby food items are sold by weight, without plastic packaging. Located in the Open Market, you can bring your own containers, or they also provide recycled jars.

Wastenot also sell a selection of sustainable toiletries and cleaning products- giving you inspiration to save the planet however you can.

Cutting Carbon Emissions

One of the best- and most accessible- ways to dramatically decrease your carbon footprint is to eat low on the food chain– this means more grains, fruits and vegetables, and less meat and dairy- these industries are responsible for 14.5 percent of man-made greenhouse gases. Whether that means full vegan or just meatless Mondays is up to you, but Brighton is an ideal city for sustainable eating.

There are countless vegan/vegetarian eateries, catering to all sorts of cuisine: Purezza (the all-vegan pizza place), The Happy Maki (serving delicious sushi burritos), and The Hope and Ruin (who said kebabs couldn't be meatless?) are just a few to get you going.

Also, Earthlings, the mouth-watering vegan street food stand, visit Sussex campus every Tuesday and Thursday- the options are endless (and tasty).

Another fantastic way to chop your carbon footprint is through your travel habits- it's no secret that most students in the city commute to university via public transport, and this has been further improved by Brighton & Hove's recent implication of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ), in which new electric buses are running.

If you want to avoid the bus/train however (we've all been squished onto an overcrowded bus at 8am at some point)- cycling is also a great option. Cycle paths run almost continuously between Lewes Road and Sussex campus.

Shopping sustainably

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Trying to save the planet can be hard- so why not de-stress with some eco-friendly retail therapy? Maintaining that reduce, reuse, recycle ethos, shopping second-hand is a great way to treat yourself at a fraction of the cost- to both your bank account and mother nature.

Image may contain: Walkway, City, Building, Town, Shoe Shop, Path, Urban, Pants, Clothing, Apparel, Shop, Human, Person

The charity shops on London Road are a fantastic place to start! With the student population in Brighton being so high, most items are donated by other students- it's not all granddad jumpers.

Image may contain: Dress, Boutique, Shop, Apparel, Clothing

Plenty of wavey garms to be found