Meet your candidates for Diversity, Access and Participation Officer 2020
The officer represents students from marginalised backgrounds, students of faith, LGBTQ+ students and students with disabilities.
Nehaal Bajwa – ‘Done with the norm? Vote Transform!’
If elected for the role, Neehal will aim to “make sure students are informed and organised to campaign to improve things for everyone” and will ” work with students, not just for them, to make Sussex better for all of us.”
Speaking to the Sussex Tab she says “I want to think about accessibility and participation as broadly as possible” and wanting to ensure that buildings are “all accessible” as “no-one should be excluded from anything.” On the importance of students voting, Neehal explains that students should votes “because the more students who are involved in the SU the stronger it is.”
Read Neehal’s full manifesto here.
Kirsty Chan – ‘Equalise? D.A.P with Kirsty!’
If elected for the role, Kirsty will aim to “celebrate differences, equalise access and participation” as well as to “advocate recognising our intersectionality, academic and career resources.”
Read Kirsty’s full manifesto here.
Shriya Lakshman – ‘#WeDeserveBetter – Shriya for Diversity’
If elected for the role, Shriya will thrive for “Accessibility for all” and wanting “your voice at the forefront.” Shriya will also aim for “diversifying classroom learning” and creating “awareness for inclusion.”
Speaking to the Sussex Tab she says “Sussex is OUR university and every student needs to feel included” she continues “a lot of our voices, have been drowned out by the collective and it is time for that to now change at the start of the new decade.” Shriya states the importance of voting is how students “have the power to decide what changes you’d like at the uni” and “During times like these where everything seems to be out of your control, you as members of Student union have the power to decide who represents you.”
Read Shriya’s full manifesto here.
Atusa Jasmin – ‘Strive for change, University for all.’
If elected Atusa would like to “ensure marginalised students are fully supported throughout their studies and barriers removed” She would also like to tackle issues such as “racism, homophobia, islamophobia and xenophobia” to name a few.
Speaking to the Sussex Tab she says “I want to encourage all students to vote as I want to improve how our student body interacts with the Students Union.” Speaking of her other focuses she says she hopes to ” improve access to events for everyone and to foster a positive environment of diversity and inclusion.” She concludes, “a vote for me is a vote for a union for all.”
Read Atusa’s full manifesto here.