Meet your candidates for Education and Employability Officer 2020
The officer supporting academic representatives and acting for improvement towards learning, teaching and employability.
James Bowyer – ‘For clearcut student experience aims!’
If elected for the role, James would aim to “improve education and thereby employability” through “specific changes.” James also would aim to have an “inclusive and accessible Sussex” with “clear communications.”
Speaking to the Sussex Tab he says “I’d love to give Students more control of the curriculum – helping each other” he continues “I would additionally aim to campaign for the integration of useful new technology” and “working on progressing towards a Sussex that is more inclusive and accessible.”
Read James’ full manifesto here.
Benjamin Matthews – ‘A union for all’
If elected Benjamin would like to “work with student groups, organising events on topics affecting students academic experience” as well as “hold a series of direct actions” which will make “academic student issues unavoidable.”
Speaking to the Sussex Tab he says “what’s happening right now is the biggest change towards higher education and the SU will need to fight hard with budgets and have SU members who will fight for the priority of students with a relationship between the University and the Student Union.” Benjamin explains his work with the “race equality charter” and how if elected he would want “the racial gap closed and for racist structures in the University to be dismantled which would radically change the nature of the union for the positive.”
Read Benjamin’s full manifesto here.
Connor Moylett – ‘Done with the norm? Vote Transform!’
If elected Connor would aim to be “removing barriers and attacking the gaps – equal access for all!” as well as “working for a climate-focused, decolonial and practical curriculum”. He is not afraid to take “strong positions on the issues that matter to students” which he will fight to protect student intrests by “increasing transparency and accountability, protecting the SU budget and actively engage with student groups/campaigns”.
Read Connor’s full manifesto here.