Boundary Brighton postponed to 2021 due to Covid
She’s baaackkk
Our beloved Boundary festival, the rave of the year, at the beginning of the academic year, and the highlight of Brighton and Sussex’s fresher’s week is set to happen on Saturday 25th of September, 2021.
This postponing of what would have been the September 2020 festival comes as a result of the pandemic.
Boundary Brighton took to their Facebook page on Tuesday (14th Jul) to let it’s vast following know of the changes made.
In the sombre post that ensured every possibility was considered before the decision to postpone was agreed upon, Boundary Brighton acknowledges that the 2020 festival would have marked the five year anniversary.
In the post, it is stated that: “we had our biggest line up booked which we will be replicating and expanding on for 2021.”
The post continues to reassure it’s followers, stating that the organisers of Boundary Brighton 2021 will use the “extra time to make sufficient plans to ensure the best ever Boundary Brighton show and one which will pay justice to a 2 year long wait.”
If you have purchased a ticket for the 2020 festival, you will be able to secure your spot for the postponed event by keeping it. If you are unable to make the 2021 festival, you will be able to get a face value refund from the platform you bought it from. Refunds will be available till July 31st 2020.
Tickets are on sale here if you haven’t purchased already.
Boundary Brighton signs off the post with encouraging words: “Stay safe and take care. Remember, the comeback is always bigger than the setback.”
So get your tickets if you haven’t already and get ready for what will be the next best thing since Boundary 2019.