An autumnal lockdown guide for Sussex students to fall back on
Make the most of the hibernation season before chrimbo is officially upon us
So the spooky season is over, and while Christmas is up and coming, we’re currently in a lockdown student-life-gap as the end of 2020 drags itself out. However, we’ve devised a foolproof guide for making the most out of the autumnal or fall season (which term is more ‘in’ we’ll leave up for debate) in a never before seen lockdown style. Here goes…
Host a Friendsgiving
Gather your housemates (or if worst comes to worst, transfer this onto zoom) and host your very own Friendsgiving night. For the eagle-eyed among you, you’ll notice the take on the classic American holiday, but there’s no reason why an evening of food and friends can’t be your very own Friday Night Dinner too. If you’re feeling up for a challenge (or just something to do) you could even research some traditional American dishes like a mac n’ cheese side, or craft your very own sweet potato pie. Wholesome times all round.
Walks on The Downs
Yes we know, that’s all we can do outdoors anyway. However, make the most of the stunning places we have out and around Sussex which are particularly Instagrammable during autumnal times. We’ve even compiled a list for you if you’re needing inspiration. Be sure to tag us in your pics on Insta to get a feature!

Sussex you never disappoint (up on the Downs, somewhere in between Stanmer Park and Ditchling Beacon)
A belated bonfire night
Now this isn’t one for you freshers living on campus (security 101), but where there’s a will there’s a way, so you can get imaginative on this one. Although the classic Lewes Bonfire was cancelled this year, you can take a spin on this odd-but-widely-celebrated tradition from the comfort of your own back garden. You could (safely) light some sparklers, sit round a BBQ fire all cosied up with blankets, and of course plenty of drinks. Nights in are the new nights out.

the only night out we’ll be seeing in a while
Prepare for the most wonderful time of the year
That’s right people, this leads perfectly onto the fourth and final season of the year and quite possibly the best one out there: Christmas. Now that you have time aplenty and potentially a grotty student house that could do with livening up, whack out the Wham and jazz up your living quarters with decorations galore. You can never go wrong with fairy lights or even a cheeky tree in the corner if that’s your jam. If you’ve gone waaay into your overdraft, from buying Chrimbo presents (for yourself), there are cheap and cheerful alternatives out there (think back to your primary school days of paper streamers). Before you know it, your mould-infested house is completely transformed into a winter wonderland (you’re welcome).

the bright lights of Brighton
These are just a few suggestions, but while we’re all trying to get through possibly the strangest time ever, it’s so important to take good care of your mental health and to reach out to your friends too!
Here are some links if you need some support: