This is what your Sussex accommodation sounds like as a TikTok sound
Because who wouldn’t want to know what park village sounds like?
It’s no secret that TikTok has taken over our lives, especially during lockdown. You can spend hours just mindlessly scrolling through the For You page and procrastinating from doing your uni work because it’s just too good.
Over the last year or so TikTok has been the home to some of the most iconic sounds so who wouldn’t want to know which one suits your Sussex accommodation? Keep scrolling to find out which TikTok sound matches your favourite halls.
Park Village
I think we all know where this is going…although Park Village is one of the most affordable on-campus halls it’s got a pretty infamous reputation. From everything falling apart on the inside, the dodgy shared bathrooms to the unavoidable smell of weed you could say Park Village is just one big Oh no.
Sound: oh no oh no oh no no no
Park Houses
Nobody really hears much about Park Houses, they kind of just sit there on campus but they are pretty hard to miss since they’re not the nicest looking from the outside and pretty much look like scary asylums, especially because there’s five of them. Even though they’re not the nicest looking buildings they’re affordable and don’t look too bad from the inside, you even get a table to eat at. So you could say you can love it for all of it’s pretty and all of its ugly too.
Sound: POV by Ariana Grande
Lewes Court
I’m sure we all remember back in February when we got the first coronavirus scare on campus and it came from Lewes Court. So naturally, none other than Cardi B has to take the wheel for this one.
Sound: Cardi B saying coronavirus!
Although Northfield is considered one of the best halls on campus, it’s right at the top and it takes forever to get to wherever you want to be, but you do get some nice views of the South Downs and the occasional cow every now and then. It’s pretty much forgotten about at this point just like the renegade, popular at first but not so much anymore…
Sound: Renegade
Located right in the middle of campus and right next to Co-op you really can’t go wrong, apart from the fact that anyone walking around campus can see right through your window. Everyone who lives in swanborough always look ten times more put together than anyone else, probably because they only need five minutes to get to where they need to be. Making them a boss bitch.
Sound: Boss bitch by Doja Cat
Stanmer Court
Let’s face it, Stanmer court is in the middle of no where. A good 15 minute trek from the centre of campus. There isn’t really much to do there apart from being a few steps away from the bus and train station. It’s pretty much isolated and one could say it gets quite supalonely…
Sound: Supalonely
East Slope
The newest and most modern accommodation on campus and the only one with small double beds pretty much already screams private school check…
Sound: Ayo, private school check
Nobody really hears much about Brighthelm, apart from the fact that it’s located right at the end of Camber and looks like a cute little village there isn’t much going on there, ever. It’s the least social of all the halls on campus but who cares when people living in Brighthelm don’t even have to pay for circuit laundry since they have their own washing machine which is a pretty big flex if you live on campus. Because everyone in Brighthelm has that one thing in their house that everyone thinks is so cool..
Sound: Everyone has that one thing in their house that everyone thinks is so cool