The ultimate guide to becoming more sustainable: an interview with young activists
Aurora and Maria from Fridays For the Future Greece gave us their tips
Most days, our lives are so hectic that we dread adding another thing to our to do list, even if its becoming more eco-friendly. Adopting sustainable practices is something that shouldn’t be a choice as it will help us to lead longer and healthier lives for both our generation and future ones. This is why I was So happy to be getting insights from Aurora and Maria, core members of Fridays For the Future Greece on how to be more eco-friendly on a day to day basis. This interview is filled with all the tips to encourage you to lead a more sustainable way of life from sustainable fashion to sustainable beauty.
Being 21st century babies, we all, namely millennials, live for the consumer culture. This has made us fast fashion victims. How do we become more sustainable on a budget?
Aurora: “Yes I agree, I think we have been brought up in an age where the most accessible items are often the worst for the environment, which makes it even more difficult for people on a budget to be a conscious consumer. I think the most important thing is trying to be more informed on which brands are ethical, making conscious efforts to avoid buying from them as much as possible and instead be buying and supporting local businesses or buying second hand. This brings me to an even more important point. Hence, we have to rethink how we shop .Some good options with some affordable options are depop and vestiaire. From designer handbags, timeless dresses to simple warm blouses.”
“Our generation are technically victims as you said of fast fashion, but informing ourselves and keeping business accountable is the only way to bring more and more ethical businesses to RISE UP.”
“Let’s not forget, we are responsible and accountable to our generation and future ones.”
I had read an article on sustainability recently on British Vogue saying that the older generation thinks repairing items is essential to encourage clothing pieces to become timeless – do you as a millennial do it as well?
Aurora: “Yes, I love to take my moms vintage clothes. Sometimes I find a really nice handbag or dress that needs to be mended to fit me or has a broken zip. Part of being an ethical consumer is also mending items to extend their lifecycle.”
How did you get out of your fast fashion relationship and how do u recommend our readers do so as well and get into these sustainable habits easily?
‘It wasn’t easy at first because I was very unaware of the environmental impacts of fast fashion-billions of clothes ending up in landfill a year. I had to do a lot of reading about where I can shop instead. You can search on different websites whether the brand you want to buy from is ‘good enough’ .You’re one click away from doing a better choice.
How would you guide our reader to be more sustainable when it comes to their BEAUTY routine?
Maria: “Finding sustainable products means finding a product that has all or some of the following characteristics: A product that is vegan, free trade and has zero waste.From my personal experience, It’s not as difficult as people think to find good quality sustainable mascaras, concealers, foundation. As a conscious consumer you just have to google it.Shampoo for example is a product that we can’t do without. Instead of using bottles of shampoo , you can get a shampoo bar that lasts for months. There’s a misconception that these bars might not make your hair as shinier but they do, you just have to find the right brand. A shampoo bar is different from a shampoo bottle in so many ways. You don’t have all the plastic that isn’t recyclable, it’s not pigmented and so its made from natural products, without animal testing.I personally use lush because it suits me.”
“Not to mention that natural shampoo is actually better for your hair because it doesn’t have chemicals.”