This third year blew his loan on a bow and arrows

He was drunk on Ebay


Most student loans are spent on alcohol, takeaways and taxis.

But this third year had other plans.

James Faulkner drunkenly spent £130 on a bow and arrows online after a night out.

And the Philosophy undergraduate admits this is just the tip of his spending problem. He said: “I managed to spend £700 in Freshers’ Week alone.”

James bought the bow from eBay, with a set of arrows that he described as being “tipped with razor blades”.

And his geeky memorabilia doesn’t end there, with him also compulsively buying a horn from a local shop in York.

“The horn is now missing but it had a good run. It last got used to drink port out of on a Mixed Martial Arts social.”

As for the bow, an item not fit to be taken out on a rowdy Wednesday night, it is now being used to decorate his room.

But James’ geeky tendencies don’t stop with drunken spending. He said: “I spend £50 a month on comics and recently invested a hefty £200 into Warhammer.”

It’s safe to say he’s confident in his interests and happy to blow some cash on them, despite his student status. He said: “It’s not easy having expensive hobbies and a girlfriend.

“I have to work plenty of hours to fund it all.”

Email [email protected] if you’ve spent your student loan on something interesting.