Meet the Blind Date contestants
Who will be Cilla?
The team who brought you Take Me Out last term reunites again to present to you, Blind Date.
Blind Date has been organised by first years Callum McCulloch, Jess Bromovsky and Bertie Wnek who will be running the Amsterdam marathon in October.
The event takes place this Sunday in D bar at 8pm with all proceeds going to the Worldwide Cancer Research charity, and as the one and only Cilla Black they have YUSU Pres Ben Leatham.
A reason to get pissed after exams, raise money for charity and laugh at what will no doubt be a hilarious night not good enough?
The Tab has got some exclusive details on the contestants. And they’re pretty damn fine.
If you want to see these marvellous lot in the flesh you better get down to D bar this Sunday.
Contestant One
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Subject: English and History
BNOC Status: Fittest fresher
This rare species can be seen roaming around the concrete edifices of Derwent, despite living the other side of campus. Many have tried it on and failed, so beware of heartbreak with this queen of unrequited love.
Contestant Two
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Subject: English Literature
BNOC Status: BNOC of the year nominee
This hockey hottie has exceptional stick and ball skills, on and off the field, and would prove a real catch. As a frequent Phats frequenter she is always up for a good old boogie, so you better wear your dancing shoes if you want to impress.
Contestant Three
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Subject: Sociology
BNOC Status: Model
This certified stunner has been seen on the catwalk at London Fashion Week and rumour has it, her legs go on forever. She’s as sweet as honey, but serious graft is needed to even stand a chance.
Contestant Four
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Subject: History
BNOC Status: Derwent Football
This history geek from the ghetto has girls weak at the knees with his regional accent. But choose wisely ladies, you’ll have to be a 7/10 or above.
Contestant Five
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Subject Bio-chemistry
BNOC Status: You’ve probably got with him
He may be sloppy in Salvos, but is a real charmer. If you don’t agree, just ask half the girls in Derwent. He’s quite the rugby playa, so you better be up for a banter filled night with the lads.
Contestant Six
Sex: Male
Age: 14
Subject: Economics
BNOC Status: Clubber of the week
This half-pint sized young gentleman has the gift of the gab and can talk the hind legs off a donkey. His Revs attire is the envy of many, but his true home is top floor Salvos. Give him a chance and you could be in for the interview of your life.
Get down to D bar this Sunday and show your support for the charity, the organisers and those poor sods who are risking their BNOC statuses for your entertainment.
Check out the Facebook event for more details.