I got my sports club’s initials tattooed on my ankle
To be fair it is in Times New Roman – you don’t get more classy than that
For a lot of people university is good for two things; playing sport and getting laid. OK three things, playing sport, getting laid and drinking. Fine, getting a degree as well. For a lot of us though, sport is pretty bloody important. The training, the banter, and the initia…I mean…the collecting of your sports tie in a civilised manner.
There will always be some rivalry between the sports: hockey players are posh wankers, rugby players are arrogant misogynists and lacrosse, well is that even a sport? On Wednesdays across the country, if you don’t play sport then really why are you even out?
But how far will you go to prove that you love your club? As a “mature” fresher at the age of twenty-two I joined the hockey club at York and I went home at Christmas with my first, pretty terrible tattoo.
I’m not sure how the idea came about, but after two months at uni I was the proud owner of a UYHC tattoo on my right ankle in Times New Roman. It wasn’t until the summer when my dad spotted the ink on my ankle and questioned me off guard. I had nothing to say in my defence to which he responded: “Well you’re a bloody idiot, don’t tell your mother or I’ll get in trouble somehow”.
The two questions people ask are: “Were you drunk when you got this?” and “Did everyone else get this done?” My response to both is no. I have done stupid things while drunk but this was a sober affair. Unfortunately nobody else got it done. Despite my best efforts to make a fresher do it every year, I am so far unsuccessful.
I did also try and get my then girlfriend’s initials tattooed on me while on tour. Thank God I didn’t.
To be honest I forget I even have it most of the time, and its still one of my favorites, it is just a shame that the love for the club is not mutual. With more yellow cards than I can remember and what seems to be a regular meeting with the captains, coaches and presidents for my behaviour I am hardly the hockey club’s golden child.
I do however recommend getting it done, it makes for a good story. But think of a better reason other than “I don’t know. Why not?”