Real men DO cry
The Daily Mail’s diminishing article and the drastic effect it is having on our culture.
Three weeks after Nev Schulman (creator of catfish) released a powerful video on masculinity in support of the he for she agenda with the message that men’s emotions are oppressed when they should be embraced and celebrated.
“Showing emotion isn’t a weakness it’s a strength” – Nev Schulman
This is a topic which should be in the forefront of the media to break down the stigma of men expressing emotions as 79 per cent of all suicides are men and in America one in 10 men have experienced anxiety or depression but less than one half of them seek treatment. This is such a valuable campaign that has rightfully gone viral.
Although the positive steps towards breaking these predisposed ideas on masculinity they’re still clearly fixated in the media with the Daily Mail printing a degrading article.
In a time when we should be celebrating male emotions and creating a society where both sexes feel equally comfortable and supported about mental health and seeking help. The Daily Mail is clearly supporting the convention that “manning up” means to be emotionless, which is exactly the view Nev is attempting to dissolve.
The article is a recent example of how the male stereotype of masculinity is firmly in our society; “it used to be that British males could be relied on to maintain a stiff upper lip.” While the article keeps other traditional gender roles firmly in line, “while the woman have not shed a single tear.”
Our society has advanced to a point where we shouldn’t be restricted by gender norms; emotions are for humans not just for women or men. It’s shameful that this message of hate is being promoted in our media.
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