Nobody panic, but guide dogs will be coming into the library next week

And all library fines paid on the day will be donated to a guide dog charity

The university is holding a guide dog meet and greet at the library with the aim of de-stressing revision-laden students.

The event, which will take place on Friday 26 May from 12 noon to 3pm and will involve canine companions from Guide Dogs for the Blind, serves multiple purposes.

It allows students to take some time off from wondering what the point of it all is to socialise with some delightful dogs and reduce stress, as proven by science. This in turn helps the dogs, who need as much social training as possible given the needs of their job.

It is suggested that those who are going make a £2 donation on the day to the Guide Dogs for the Blind charity.

Furthermore, as if the fact that you aren’t allowed to graduate if you don’t pay any of your library fines wasn’t enough of an incentive, the Library is donating all charges paid on the day to the charity as well.

You can find out more information about the event here, register for tickets here, and, for a taste of what the event might look like, check out this video from last year of a similar occasion.