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University of York agrees to pay for dissertation printing and binding

The money will come from withheld strike pay

As a result of a new Equity of Provision report, the University of York will pay for dissertation printing and binding from next term.

In addition, the university is also looking at ways in which it can reduce printing costs for other assessments.

Away from printing, the university will also help students combat hidden course costs. For example, Biology undergraduates will receive a free lab coat while the university is examining ways in which it can reduce the laundry bills of Health Sciences students who have to wash their clothes every day whilst on placement.

The university is also looking at ways to help cover travel expenses for students who have contact hours in King's Manor.

To help departments fund new measures to help students, money that was withheld from striking staff last year will be used for the next couple of years though in the long term they will have to factor them into their budgets.

The university has also agreed to help fund a disabled students' allowance to ensure they can get the necessary medical certification while they are also aiming to establish a system where students are able to sell on books to those in younger years.

It also wants to create a scheme of long-term laptop loans for all students. This is something which already exists for post-graduates but the idea is that by expanding it to undergraduates, everyone will be able to be more involved in their degree courses.

This is the second form of reimbursement from the strikes that York students have seen with the university previously using the money to fund graduation gowns at the previous two graduation ceremonies.

YUSU President James Durcan told Nouse "This is the culmination of a long process that started last year with Alex Urquhart’s Equity of Provision report and has resulted in a number of recommendations being adopted that will be hugely beneficial to students. Our work looked at the biggest obstacles facing students in terms of hidden costs, and while we are aware there is still more we can do moving forward, we think the impact of what we have achieved cannot be understated."

A spokesperson for the University of York also said "Equity of Provision Report will be one of the areas to receive funds from monies withheld from staff salaries during last year’s industrial action. Developed over the last 18 months through the Together York partnership projects, the Equity of Provision report will address areas where students in different departments face additional costs to complete their university degree. Other projects that have or will receive monies include supporting student-led and partnership activity in student mental health, raising sexual violence awareness, free gown hire for July 2019 graduations, the student hardship fund, the GSA summer programme and activities associated with this year’s Roses tournament."