Unity Health voted the worst GP in York
The practice was rated good by 60 per cent of patients, down from 80 per cent last year
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
Well, we better stock up on our Granny Smiths because Unity Health was just voted the worst GP in York by its patients.
The annual NHS GP Patient Survey have published their results and Unity Health has not come out in a good light. The survey asked patients to rate NHS GP surgeries around York based on their customer service.
Questions on the survey were concerned with issues such as how easy it is to make an appointment; how helpful receptionists are at their medical practice and how easy it is to use the surgery website.
This year, the practice was ranked as the worst GP in York with only 60 per cent of patients rating their experience "good."
In 2018, Unity Health received a "good" rating from 80 per cent of its patients showing a significant drop.
A spokesperson for the practice said, "It is important to note that the national GP patient survey was completed by only 76 out of our 23,000 patients in January this year. This equates to just 0.3 per cent of our patients. We were pleased that, of these patients, 97 per cent said they felt their needs had been met during their last appointment and 95 per cent said they had confidence and trust in our staff. Our Patient Participation Group followed this up in June with a more comprehensive patient survey which attracted 959 responses. We will be considering the results of both surveys with our patient group and practice team and we will be making recommendations for immediate improvements."
The practice also faced backlash in May this year for their telephone system, which left patients waiting for hours whilst trying to make an appointment in vain. According to the CCG in February, the surgery still needed to improve the telephone system further.