Vote for York’s Most Wholesome Fresher: Round one
A whole lot of wholesome
The nominations are in, it's time for UoY students to have their say on who is the most wholesome fresher of 2019.
The competition brings us six truly wholesome individuals.
Read about them here and take your votes.
Eleana Childs – Constantine

An extremely wholesome vibe
Eleana "hasn't touched a drop of alcohol since being here" and she's never "got grumpy about loud pres" or other fresher residents "coming in drunk". Her nominator claims she "cooks the best food and is always happy to help people out with whatever, giving the best advice!". Eleana and her mum have been described as "the most lovely people ever". She wholesomely "stresses about missing seminars and lectures" , Eleana is "Flat mum#1."
Eleana is a Constantine fresher and she told the York Tab she had this to say to her nominator:
"Thank you so much I really didn't expect it. I don't do it for the recognition, they really didn't have to
Joe Hollis – Constantine

Your typical 'flat Dad'
Joe Hollis aka 'Flat Dad' was surprised when he found out he was nominated as a wholesome fresher. Joe "cleans kitchen regularly" and treats his fellow freshers to "flapjacks when he bakes." Joe, like a true flat dad makes sure his fresher friends "survive in Salvos and counts us all into the bus on the way home."
Joe spoke to the York Tab about his nomination:
"Things I do that I feel are pretty normal for me, according to my flat, are things that overall make it more enjoyable for them. Whether it’s cleaning the kitchen and surfaces regularly, or taking out the rubbish, making sure everyone’s feeling good, and especially on nights out, making sure they’re safe and all together involved and most importantly enjoying it, is something I’ve felt comes natural and makes me feel better about myself.
"When I heard I was nominated I was both shocked and very chuffed, and hearing my flat mates thank me for it made my day. The nomination on its own was amazing and a chance of being voted for it would be
phenomenal , and make another great memorable moment for my first year of university."
Theo Gallagher – Derwent

Could it be any more wholesome?
Theo has been described as "Just a very wholesome bloke, particularly on a Wednesday evening on the tiles in salvos."
Theo is a Derwent fresher, he said:
"I am over the moon with the nomination. I obviously don't do it to get nominated in these sorts of things, but it's nice to be appreciated. I just hope other people take noted and everyone becomes much more caring."
Ed Tuersley – Halifax

A wholesome fresher pic
Ed has received three nominations for the Most Wholesome Fresher 2019. These include "making sure we get home safe from a night out" and he still wears his fresher lanyard to campus. Ed bakes for his fellow freshers and "always cooks a communal meal on a Friday." One nomination claims he has the "best dance moves, he walks like a penguin and whistles like the devil."
Ed, a Halifax fresher told the York Tab:
"Thank you to the people who nominated me"
When asked why people should vote Ed the Most Wholesome Fresher 2019 in one word, Ed said "wholesome".
Emily Mankee- Langwith

A wholesome candid
Emily is a truly wholesome fresher, she "bakes cakes and leaves them for us all to eat when we get home drunk from a night out." She also "Never has anything mean to say, is wholesome and friendly and always smiles and so cute and looks after us all."
Emily had this to say to her fellow Langwith nominator :
"Thank you for teaching the wholesome one cool slang words and appreciating the cakes I make!"
"I'll always be there with a glass of water and painkillers for morning headaches."
Hannah Jorgensen – Vanbrugh

Plants are pure a wholesome vibe
Hannah is an English Lit student, and she always "make sure everyone's okay on the sesh." She's a volunteer at the Christian Union where she makes "CU sandwiches and reassures her mum that she's staying up late at night to play board games with the CU"
Hannah had this to say about being nominated:
"It might be because the person who nominated me saw that I came home at like 3am one night, and assumed I'd been out clubbing until I told them that I'd actually been playing board games with the Christian Union. Which is a lot more fun and wholesome than clubbing."
"You should vote for me as most wholesome fresher because I water my houseplants regularly (they're called Sherlock and John), and spend most of my time reading books, drinking tea or both! My flatmates think that my spirit animal is a fruit bat – I'm sure why that's relevant, but I feel like it's now part of my personality."
So have your say and vote for who you think is York's Most Wholesome
Fresher 2019 in the poll below!
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