University of York student tested positive for coronavirus
They are one of the two people who have tested positive for coronavirus in the UK
Following the confirmation of two cases of coronavirus in York yesterday, it has now been confirmed that one of the individuals diagnosed is a student at the University of York.
This has been confirmed to the university by Public Health England.
A post on the university’s website reads: “Further to reports that the two cases of coronavirus diagnosed in England concerned two individuals in York, Public Health England (PHE) have now informed us that one of two individuals to have tested positive for coronavirus is a student at the University of York. We understand this development will cause concern and anxiety among our students, staff and the wider community.
“Our immediate concerns are for the affected student and family, along with the health and continued wellbeing of our staff, students and visitors.
“We are working closely with NHS services and Public Health England who are taking the lead in responding to the case and we will take direction from them in all aspects of this situation.
“We want to reassure you that PHE has advised us that the risk of infection being passed to others on campus is low. Current information from PHE suggests that the student did not come into contact with anybody on campus whilst they had symptoms, but investigations are ongoing to fully establish this.”
This information was also emailed to students at the university. The university will continue to operate as normal.
Students can find advice and information about the coronavirus on the University of York’s website.
This advice informs students that the risk of infection is low, so protective measures such as face masks are unnecessary. Due to the low risk of contamination, students are also advised that there is no need to study remotely. Students are advised to let their departments know if they choose to go home.
There is currently no confirmation on where the student diagnosed lived, although investigations are ongoing.
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