I followed lockdown 1.0 trends for 24 hours and I had the time of my life
Alexa play Supalonely x
With it being a year since the UK’s first lockdown was announced and many students including myself travelling home for the Easter Break (this time with the hope of returning next term), I thought it was only right to recreate the trends of the first lockdown because boy, what a time.
Lockdowns have definitely been a challenging time for everyone this past year, but they have also provided us with some great trends to look back on.
Here’s me spending a day following some of the best trends from lockdown 1.0:
Daily Walk
I started the day off (admittedly at 12pm, in true 2020 fashion) with the classic government mandated family walk. This one lost its novelty after the third time bumping into an old family friend, at a distance of course, and them telling me just how much I’d grown. That was eleven years ago Margaret, of course I’ve grown. The only saving grace on this one was my beautiful dog, love you Mala x
Whipped Coffee
Now after over-exerting myself on the family walk I needed something to sustain me for the rest of my March 2020 day and of course there was only one thing for it: whipped coffee. I don’t know where exactly this one came from but, my god does it taste good. After whisking for approximately 28 minutes and nearly losing my arm in the process, my sweet sweet beverage was ready. I was ready to slate this one but it just tastes too good.
Chloe Ting
With my body full with double the recommended amount of caffeine for the day, it was time to tackle the one I was dreading the most: Chloe Ting. Like everyone else, I jumped on the first lockdown bandwagon of Chloe Ting and PE with Joe videos determined to get fit. This lasted about five minutes until I succumbed to consuming copious amounts of banana bread and opting for making my way through the entire Netflix catalogue instead.
I chose a ‘Get Abs in Two Weeks’ and it nearly killed me off. Shocked and surprised that I can’t just play the video whilst lying in bed and see results.
Banana Bread
This one was the one I was most looking forward to. As a nation, we had banana bread coming out of our ears and I’m not complaining, but why? I got my Mary Berry on and whipped up some baked banana goodness. I personally thought it was beautiful but my mum said it was too soggy, sad times.
Zoom Quiz
Next, the classic zoom quiz. This was another one in which the novelty wore off after the seventh quiz shouting at your poor old grandparents to mute themselves. But nevertheless I grabbed the cheapest bottle of wine I could find and forced my begrudging friends to join me on a zoom quiz for old times sake. Our questions ranged from guessing baby photos to ‘Porn Star or My Little Pony’, strange I know.
Animal Crossing
I finished off my day with a nice old Animal Crossing sesh. Hands up if you forked out for a Nintendo Switch in lockdown just to play Animal Crossing a few times and then never touch it again! My poor neglected villagers.
Lockdown one trends were weird, but I enjoyed it. At the very least it got me out of doing uni work for a day because that is something I did not touch in the first lockdown that’s for sure.
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