Here’s what the all 2021 Love Islanders would be like on a York night out
If I see Jake anywhere near Oki’s I will kick off
This season of Love Island has been very interesting. From Ofcom complaints to Casa Amor, and even an episode dedicated to cheese, 2021’s series may just go down as one of the strangest (and yet not entirely the worst) seasons ever. But with the final on Monday, the prospect of these Islanders coming back to the real world looms ever closer.
Just like us, I’m sure they can’t wait to ditch the two-glass-a-night rule and go straight to the clubs. But what exactly will they be like on the dancefloor?
We’ve already decided which York college the Love Islanders would be in, but here’s what I think would happen if the cast of the 2021 season ever made it up for a York night out.
Donning a pair of white skinny jeans and a Hawaiian shirt hanging on by one button, Jake would be the type of guy to make the rounds in Salvos trying to get with every girl who seems interested. After a night of fruitless chirpsing, he’d end up as the token topless man before being kicked out by the bouncers. For the rest of the night, Hull Road would be plagued with shouts of “But you’re my gUrlfriend” as he tries to explain the night’s actions.
Oh, and he’d definitely be best mates with Jason Reilly.
While her other half might not be having the best night, Liberty will be your best friend in the Kuda toilets. Crying about the guy that ghosted you? Lib has you sorted. Not feeling your outfit? She’ll give you hundreds of compliments. She’s the type of girl you always meet but never manage to get the Snapchat of, disappearing into her cloud of positivity.
Kaz is the ultimate hypewoman. She will be at pres giving it one hundered per cent before the night has even started. You’ll find her in Kuda outdancing everyone there and somehow still managing to still look effortlessly flawless. Like her partner in crime Lib, she will befriend every girl in the toilets but manage to get away before all the drama kicks off. No one is going to ruin her night.
I feel like Tyler would absolutely be a BNOC if he went to York. He’s the kind of guy who will go out and be greeted by literally every person you walk past. The bouncers know him, the bartenders know him, even the geese don’t try to attack him on the walk home. There’s just something in his very easy-going charisma that makes him a bit magnetic.
Chloe would get white girl wasted before you’d even left your house, probably forcing everyone to take shots with her before stumbling to Revs. Heading straight upstairs in Revs, she can channel her inner roadman to her heart’s content. After a few hours of chaotic dancing, you’ll find her stumbling home with her friends trying not to piss themselves from laughing.
Going from the series villain to the fan fave, Toby has provided this season with some of its best memes. And so I think he would be most in his element at a Salvos Wednesday. Going all out with his costumes, Toby is the kind of guy you can’t keep a track of. One moment he’s at the bar, the next he’s climbed onto it, and now he’s found his way into the DJ booth. He would be the absolute life of the party. His mode of transport would one hundered per cent be one of those electric scooters home.
Oh Faye. The night would probably start promising, but things don’t always end up as planned. After a few glasses of wine, you’ll probably find Faye shouting at a boy who mugged her off outside Salt and Pepper before dramatically throwing her cheesy chips at him. Storming off onto the 66 doesn’t quite have the same dramatic effect though.
Teddy is the one guy you trust to walk you home after you’ve had one too many. Cool, calm, composed, he’s probably everyone’s best friend wherever he goes. You’ll find him trying to convince the bouncers that his friend didn’t *actually* punch that guy so they won’t get kicked out. Although he manages to get dragged out each time, I think he would be way more content with a few rounds in the Charles and then heading home.
Millie would be hands down the best-dressed person in that club. Episode after episode she serves looks – she absolutely never misses. Whilst I’m sure she could party all night at Kuda, she strikes me more as a pub crawl kind of gal. Jalou wouldn’t know what hit them when she walks in with her effortlessly cool blazer co-ord.
If he doesn’t end up in Flares requesting Tom Jones all night, is he really Welsh? I can imagine our 6’6 heartthrob having the time of his life surrounded by 80s tunes and middle-aged women. Hanging on to Janet from the post office and Bev whose retired, he will be belting out It’s Not Unusual by Tom Jones until the bar closes.
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