Geese, Roses, Flood: All the Wordles you can make with York related words
For those of you who put more effort into maintaining your Wordle streak than your degree
Wordle has gripped the entire world in the last few months, including York students.
So if doing the daily Wordle isn’t the first thing you think of when you wake up, what are you doing? But for those who don’t know, let us shed some light on the rules of the game. You get six goes to guess a five-letter word. For each attempt, the letters will either turn grey (letter not in word at all), yellow (letter in the wrong place), or green (letter in the right place).
So, of course, now you’re wondering, what if Wordle was made purely for York students? So here are some five-letter words to consider for your own quest to triumph over your uni mates.
Geese and Ducks
Of course, the first York Worlde world would be geese or ducks, what else? Geese and ducks are rampant on campus, sometimes looking elegant with their nonchalance, sometimes angry that you aren’t willing to give them every scrap of food you have. Either way, they definitely dominate over students on campus.
It’s a shame Long Boi has more than five letters though because he’d be my Wordle of choice every day of the week.
The most prestigious sporting event of the year, York’s annual competition against our rivals in Lancaster undoubtedly has to make this list. Perhaps the double S makes this word one of the easier words in the list.
The windy conditions are not favourable for maintaining your look in York unless your look is windswept like me, then it’s perfect. Who needs hairspray when the wind can do this for you?
River and Flood
The River Ouse is a classic York landmark. Lovely for rowing, walks and picnics, it is also renowned for flooding every year. But this year’s storms saw the worst flooding in York seen for 22 years. Therefore, river and flood have to be included in our favourite York Worlde words.
Coats and Scarf
Coats and scarfs are essential for having a distinctive aesthetic whilst still keeping the cold out in the north. Wrapping up warm is the key for survival in York at the minute.
Quiet Place
Well here is a double Wordle. The Quiet Place, describes exactly what it is, a lovely little building out of the hustle and bustle on West Campus. I’ve heard it’s a favourite for other kinds of activities though so make of that what you will.
It’s a uni wordle, of course booze has gotta be in here.
The infamous Dick Turpin who was executed in York’s grave is a less than ten minute walk away from the city centre and is a tourist attraction, despite the burial site being robbed not long after his death. Definitely a place to visit for fans of Horrible Histories!
There are loads of cool record shops in York, selling second-hand vinyl. Including Earworm Records, which can be found in Goodramgate, as well as the Vinyl Café.
York was recently voted the best city for a night out in the UK so I wouldn’t be surprised if most York students guessed this one on the first attempt.
I think this Wordle would be pretty self-explanatory. Northern supremacy x
James College is the only York College to be featured in York Wordle as it’s the only college with five letters. Definitely does not make it the best college on campus, however…
This one could refer either to the scenic hedges found in the Quiet Place or to the adorable hedgehogs found across campus. York even recently won an award for its hedgehog preservation, how wholesome.
Stone Roses
Another double Wordle here. Stone Roses’ indie music and infamous blue shits makes the bar a definite feature on York Wordle.
You might call this one cheating but I call it being resourceful. Glass as in Campus East’s Glasshouse, aka the backbone of my entire uni experience.
York’s famous walls are one of the most atmospheric parts of the city so would absolutely appear on York Wordle, though the word’s singular vowel and double ‘l’ would probably make this tourist hotspot a difficult one to guess.
York Wordle would definitely pay tribute to Yorkshire’s white rose. Though the opening ‘W’ on this one would no doubt send me into a downward spiral and kill off my Wordle streak.
Meaning both the Roman wall ruins and the ruins of St Mary’s Abbey found at the museum gardens, which is undoubtedly one of the best places for a sunny picnic.
Clifford’s Tower is a classic York attraction and has recently reopened after being shut for renovations. The rogue W would definitely throw me off though I think.
As in York’s very own railway museum, which is very cool and free entry. It’s probably the only reason my dad comes to visit me at uni.
And finally, the canal is one of the most scenic parts of York and makes for super lovely walks, especially in the summer with friends.
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