Guys, the ACTUAL Taylor Swift has sent merch to York’s Swift Society
She sent the package ‘as a thank you for all your support’
Taylor Swift herself has sent a box of merchandise and gifts to The University of York’s Taylor Swift Society.
The package includes a selection of new merch such as hoodies and party supplies from her “I’m feeling 2022 Graduation Collection”.
The note that came with the box reads: “Hey University of York Swift Society, sending over some ’22 merch as a thank you for all your support and also sending a big hug! Love, Taylor”
The York Tab spoke to SwiftSoc to find out about how it all came about. They said: “Taylor Nation, Taylor’s official management team contacted our president, Lauryn, on Instagram with a really mysterious message and a month later the parcel arrived from Taylor HQ, California!”
They believe Taylor HQ discovered them through one of their TikTok videos that went viral last year.
York’s SwiftSoc was the first of its kind to be set up when it was ratified in 2015 and since then many other unis have followed suit with Taylor Swift Societies of their own. They hold a wide range of events such as Taylor Swift club nights, craft evenings, slumber parties, and listening parties.
SwiftSoc said they are feeling all the emotions but are mostly overjoyed: “We found out a while ago but we’ve all been home for Easter so didn’t get to open the box until we were all finally together at our committee meeting yesterday. It’s been so hard keeping it a secret!”
They continued: “This year the committee has gone through a lot of ups and downs, and the arrival of this merch has been a great reward for the hours of planning, forms, budgeting, designing and energy it’s taken to run our events. Additionally, it’s given us all the dream of Taylor knowing of our existence and the possibility that she may have seen some of the members’ lovely faces on TikTok!”
Most of the items in the package will be used for SwiftSoc’s end of year formal: “We’ll be drinking our prosecco out of paper cups given to us by Taylor herself! We’re also planning to split some of the smaller things up into goodie bags for everyone that comes so keep an eye out for tickets since we’ll be announcing the details soon.”
Sarah, the society’s secretary and Hannah, press and publicity, were interviewed by BBC York in November about the society. One of the questions they were asked was “How would you react if Taylor noticed the society?” Their response at the time was “cry”
“I never thought just a few months later it would actually happen” Hannah told The York Tab.
Speaking about the success of the society, SwiftSoc said: “We are the most supportive community for anyone who likes Taylor – whether you’re a casual listener or a hardcore stan! This year’s committee has hosted a real variety of events, including quizzes, club nights, a crafts evening, karaoke and our infamous Red TV release party so there’s really something for everyone.
They continued: “As a committee, we’re really proud of everything we’ve achieved this year, growing the society from fewer than 20 members last year, to well over 200 now. Overall, 2022 really has been our year and we can’t wait to share our success with our society members.”
The best way to get involved with SwiftSoc is by becoming a member for £4 on the YUSU Wesbiste or by following their Instagram and TikTok. They are also hosting a “Taylor Swift and Friends” club night at Manahatta next Monday, April 25th which is open to everyone!
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