

Wall Street Journal investigation into spread of fake news shows how Tab story was manipulated by Russian-backed activist page

The Tab USC debunked a hoax racist incident in April of last year

Professor offers extra credit to any student who can get him blocked on Twitter by Donald Trump

Easiest assignment ever

There is no sex trafficking Bible group trying to kidnap you from campus, it’s just a Korean church

The PSAs circulated are completely untrue

Report: The rumors about kids getting lung cancer from hitting the Juul too hard are untrue

RIP to those of you who just flushed $45 down the toilet

Researchers have worked out which college has the most sexual partners


Texas Tech bomb threat: Campus buildings evacuated

Cops advise students to stay away from Talkington Hall

Neo-Nazis are planning a rally at the University of North Florida

It’s being held for the former Grand Dragon of the KKK

These are the top 50 hottest colleges in America, according to dating app research

Hope you made it

Heard something you think
we should know?

We want to look into your case


Every school has professors who sexually harass their students – we want to expose them

Email if you want to share your story

Greek life suspended after Texas State sophomore found dead in pledging incident

Matthew Ellis was 20

KKK Grand Dragon suspended from college after threatening fellow classmates

He posed topless with a rifle and spoke about confronting students

I was raped by a student while campaigning for Hillary Clinton — but his college let him walk free

Blake Kitterman is taking his case against the University of Alabama to the Office for Civil Rights

Who is Brianna Brochu? Everything we know about the Hartford student arrested for poisoning her black roommate

She boasted about rubbing used tampons on her roommates bag

White freshman EXPELLED for poisoning her black roommate with used tampons

‘She will not be returning to the institution’

White freshman who rubbed used tampons on her black roommate’s bag gets arrested

She boasted about poisoning her ‘Jamaican Barbie’

Sorority girl dies after being hit in the head with soccer ball

‘Heaven has gained a beautiful guardian angel’