The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
“Students don’t want to ask questions because of lecture capture”
They think we still wear Uggs
We’ve been living in a hotel for four months
They’re going fast
IT outrages trending at King’s
Wiki pages won’t be working
But I would have swapped Bounty and Mars around
Washington University suspended a fraternity for a ‘scavenger hunt’ where they photographed black students and sang racist raps
Stormzy went in
They promise it’s ‘pre-washed’
Has anyone seen anything?
Her dogs saved her
Redesigning walls, not building them
‘We heard more screaming, and a man shouted to “get down”’
Some students were evacuated from restaurants
Chris’ status has over 12,000 shares
KCLSU also gets £5k if she wins
The Macadam entrance has been blocked
The fire is under continued investigation
It’ll be like sharing gum in primary school, full of vultures
Everyone has been evacuated
The invigilators didn’t read the exam instructions
He called the campaign ‘important and courageous’
I wonder what Guy’s will think of this
Her own students walked right past her
Err, do I get extra marks?
‘To turn a blind eye to the situation is an injustice in itself’
He does it for a living
Day 5 of the hunger strike (but he gave in to orange juice, dat Vitamin C gain)
She’s ‘committing academic suicide’ but for noble reasons
Following the recent divest demontrations
Starting from September 17/18
Some departments were handing out cupcakes to get students to fill it in
He is currently suspended for graffitiing the King’s Building
There is a petition calling for his suspension to be revoked
Two people have been arrested
Direct appeals for action gets noticed
Who’s ready for Jonny Bongo?
Red paint was washed onto the streets
The removal comes after five years of campaigning
“We follow in the footsteps of great alumnus such as Desmond Tutu”
One refugee described his travel from Syria to France as from ‘prison to prison’
It was during a protest by King’s cleaners
‘We are not the dirt we clean’
Most teams are made up of male contestants
Deadlines for students had to be extended
It’s never been done before
It used to be £3000 in 2006
It was stolen in a window of 10-15 minutes
Don’t be offended when we do some of these things
‘Hey can you check out this guy for me?’
While King’s decide to raise fees. Typical.
This is getting boring
He forgot to unplug his hairdryer
The pilot scheme was a success
There was no communication
It was removed when people said it was a ‘whole new level of disrespect’
Is it wrong to ask students to have part of their Postgraduate finances sorted beforehand?
‘This student-led petition demands that the deposit is dropped, and the application fee abolished’
The NUS President elect has divided opinions across campus
He was initially charged in October 2014
‘The counsellor told me I needed four more years of therapy’
The incident reminded me of the prejudice I experienced growing up in Croydon
A member of ISOC had to stand in-between the female student and the attacker
KCL have been criticised for their failure to celebrate non-white female staff
No, we’re not the second worst place to live in the UK
I was told I was a bully and a sociopath
The station was blocked off with police tape this morning
‘I’ve never been in a relationship because I’m scared the person I love will hurt me’
You’re an awkward bunch