The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
Indoor visits to friends and family are banned
Bouncers struggled to keep the fighters apart
I’d be satisfied if I went to uni at Hogwarts tbh
Is Strava just a social phenomenon?
Pencils at the ready
The future of our favourite Glasgow nightclub is at risk
UofG Class of 2020 I salute you
Many of those affected are students
Freshers’ Week is still scheduled to start as normal
Glasgow Uni Sports Clubs are doing their bit
Got a degree in photoshop, wbu?
He has already surpassed his fundraising target!
You’ll get there one day Freshers
Her belongings were last seen near the River Clyde over a month ago
Pints of Fun until I die
‘We’ve made a lot of difficult decisions but this one has been particularly hard’
Movement on campus may be restricted in the coming weeks
End-of-year assessments are being reviewed
She returned from Rome feeling ‘unwell’
Are you friends with this handsome winner?
These boys are so hot you’ll need a shower after looking at them
Try and keep your screams to a minimum
Single man… reveal yourself
Form an orderly queue ladies…
You can even nominate yourself
Remember when everyone got mumps?
Previous rectors include Winnie Mandela and Edward Snowden
Too busy getting club pics AGAIN
Someone even brought a sofa
A whole lot of toned bums and washboard abs
Don’t forget to bring your tents
You people are scary stuff
He even dressed up as Thomas Shelby from Peaky Blinders
The greatest week of my liiiiiiiife
They’ve put up the prices AGAIN, but at least there’s a new flavour
If you thought Viper was gone, you were wrong
Are you mates with these good-looking people?
So smart, so fashun
We were dancing in a swamp (quite literally)
There’s going to be alcohol, lots of it
People started queueing at 12:35 am
And yes, you can nominate yourself
Freshers’ Week might be over, but the sesh is certainly not
Alix Taylor went to bed after a night out, next thing she was outside naked and screaming from her balcony ledge