This is what the new lockdown rules mean for returning Glasgow students
Indoor visits to friends and family are banned
Just as we are warming up for Freshers Week 2020, new measures have been introduced for more than 800,000 people in Glasgow where indoor visits to family and friends are no longer allowed. That’s right… your third and second-year house-warming parties are now illegal. Bummer.
It was announced that over the past two days there have been 314 new cases in Scotland, with 135 of them in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area. This surge in COVID-19 cases was apparently caused by “indoor transmissions” unlike in Aberdeen, where their outbreak was linked to pubs and bars.
So what does this mean in the long-run for returning Glasgow University students? Are we still allowed to go to the Stevie gym? Are we still okay to go to the Beer Bar? WHAT ABOUT FRESHERS WEEK?
Fear not, for we have all the answers for you.
You can still go to the Stevenson Gym
After a challenging few months, @uofgsport reopened the Stevenson Building on Wednesday, September 2nd. However, there’s a difference. You need to download the UofG Sports App and book online in advance. What’s more, there will be no locker or changing room access in this initial phase of reopening at the Stevenson Building. Members are also required to bring their own towels, kit, and equipment.
You can still go to Beer Bar
You heard us…Beer Back is back, but with table service. GUU re-opened its doors for the first time in 5 months to all members for only Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
For the time being, members can book a booth three days in advance for up to eight people. However, it isn’t your usual Hive Thursday. You only get the booth for two hours. Sad reacts. Also, you can’t slap the beer bar roof and you must keep noise volumes to a minimum. Big sad reacts.
Freshers Week is still happening! (…sort of)
If you are new to Glasgow this year, make sure you register for updates to find out when new tickets and events are added. Freshers Week this year will be hosted on the online ticketing and streaming platforms in order to make the Glasgow campus safe for everyone.
We recognise it might not be exactly what we had pictured, however, a team of staff and students from across the University’s student organisations have been working all summer to plan the best possible experience despite Ye Olde Covide.
And because they get that it’s not quite the usual Freshers’ Week we know and love, they will not be charging for the events this year!
Also, be sure to check out the Facebook pages of the four student bodies for any additional events that get added: