The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
Leave it in 2010 where it belongs
Please I beg have a day off
Enough with only learning about the bloody world wars
These memes and reactions will get you through yet another weekend in lockdown
She just wanted a trip down the canal!!
You’ll wish you actually looked that cute
How has Cam avoided going to prison for child neglect?
Students will only be able to improve their current grade
The email chain was accidentally sent to all English post grads
Students who have chosen to stay in halls will be in different buildings
Over 230 soon-to-be doctors have volunteered
Because you can still look peng while self-isolating
Clubs stayed open except for Electrik
I’ll never have a lecture again
Plans are being made for alternatives to exams
End-of-year assessments are being reviewed too
They’ve been sleeping over in the 502 building
Are you worthy of the crown?
‘He reached out and grabbed my vagina’
There have even been assaults reported in Asda and Aldi
You can be anonymous if you want
Police say the suspect may have assaulted six others
The Year in China programme has been cancelled due to coronavirus
Students have been told to fly home ASAP
From burning money to pissing off Scousers
Staff blamed it on being given ‘the wrong email’
And the winner of a free Cool It night out!
And the winner of a free Cool It night out!
Whose future? Our future!!
Grove Street was cordoned off last night
They want gender ‘X’ markers for legal documents
She even got called out on Depop
All of their classes have been cancelled
Start your engines, unless you don’t want spoilers!
Why did they play Wonderwall over a queer love story?
Exeter Uni reported Exehonestly to the police
There’s only 365 days until next Halloween
She dressed up as last week’s feud between Coleen Rooney and Rebekah Vardy
Police were called at around 2:30 pm
Her parents said Liverpool ‘failed’ her
Around 2000 people protested on the streets
He said it would have ‘made a difference’
You don’t need any experience at all
£3.7 million worth of rent cuts have been secured
Let’s face it, you’ll probably have a drink either way
You’re not gonna get stabbed
Why did everyone have to be a slave trader?
Book now before your mates hibernate for a month
Find out how your favourite hangover cure scores
River of Light returns again, but not on the 5th
She said she needed that many books in order to get a first
We see them everyday, let’s be kinder to them