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Nottingham City Council confirmed the case today
They will be outside Portland from midday
Arjun Singh died after being attacked on 18 January
There were 7.1% fewer firsts for the 2019 grads compared to 2018
The stabbing happened on the May Bank Holiday
Joe transferred to University of South Wales
The event will take place on 3rd December
Who knew this had a name
What am I supposed to do with these socks?
It’s way, way worse than the friendzone
Get ready for a grand three years
Tommy will be there on 23rd September
Brb booking my flight to Norway for vegan nugs
It is now called Story
He will be sentenced on the 18th September
Unpack your tampons ladies
Some contain three times the recommended dose
So much drama, so little air time
Protestors are calling it the Summer Uprising
They won’t find out the correct marks for a week
It was announced yesterday that the City Road favourite will be closing its doors
The popular club night will start again next week
One of the lifts in St David’s ‘flew up and down’ on Saturday with 13 people in it
We are looking for writers, illustrators, photographers and meme makers
Marty Dragonova died in May after consuming a lethal amount of caffeine
Expect a full evening of Queen Bey, RiRi, Destiny’s Child, The Spice Girls and more
Think Total Wipeout, meets underground drum and bass
He said he will spend the money on takeaways
He has already raised £95,662
Masudah has been an active member of the Labour Party since she was 14
Eye candy everywhere
Beers, banter and more beers
Events include sack race, welly throw and a tug of war
It will be on Sunday October 14th 2018
The incident occurred at around 7:30pm on Sunday evening
They will be in Cardiff on Wednesday 6th June
There was even a Caterpillar cake
Today is the first of fourteen days of proposed strike action
The Aberconway Building, Aberconway Library, Postgraduate Teaching Centre and the Julian Hodge Lecture Theatre are all shut from 1pm today
It is expected to remain closed until at least 12 noon
Cheeky Dallas after?
I’ll probably spend it alone
The incident occurred on the 17th of November last year
RIP to the cracking cocktails
Are you a budding Jamie Oliver?
We need a semi final there’s so many girls
Where them girls at? Here they at
Were you the best dressed bauble in Cardiff?
This bunch does not disappoint
It returns for this year’s Destination Winter WonderLASH
Don’t miss the chance to nominate
Sorry, I was just thinking about boys
Long distance trains? No thanks
Some have free drinks too
The fight will be taking place this October
4chan users claimed credit for the hijack
I hope Bradley takes his top off
Out every night of the week? Yes, of course
Fear not, they will still be stocking Coffee Barker and Clancy’s
What happens on tour definitely doesn’t stay on tour
The new venue will have its student night relaunch on 23rd May
SU + fuckboy + VK = recipe for disaster
There will be bra fitting event in the SU on the 4th April
Nearly one million pounds worth of fines has been amassed in the past three academic years
After a night of sheer panic
The good, the bad and the downright ugly
There will be bunting
Thanks to UNIDAYS, there is 20% off at Topman!
It’s the only place to be on a Wednesday night