Louis Brettkelly

Louis Brettkelly
Cambridge University


The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.


Meet Malini and Sikemi, the Cambridge students and creators of the Generation C podcast

The Generation C podcast gives voice to the perspectives of university students during the pandemic

Week eight news column: The World Bollard Association, hornbooks and welfare cake

The last news column of term… and more news on Jesus Green Lido…

Week seven news column: Eco-fridges, grenades and THURSDAY

Last term they found an electric scooter in the river, this term they found a grenade…

Week six news column: Endangered newts, churros and Lego Lent Bumps

Will the Medwards Churros Van be touring to my college anytime soon?

Churchill’s grandson accuses Churchill College of ‘trashing’ his grandfather’s name in historical talk

The talk was part of a year-long programme of events on ‘Churchill, Race and Empire’ in light of recent debate over Churchill’s legacy

Family and alumni protest planned removal of slave trade investor’s memorial at Jesus College

Jesus College has outlined plans to relocate the memorial of Tobias Rustat, a prolific investor in the slave trade

Week five news column: BNOCsoc, moonflowers and an ancient phallus

Did someone say the BNOCs are bringing the Hunger Games to Cambridge..?

Trinity College to divest 95 per cent of fossil fuels investments by end of the year

They also hope to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050

Meet Charles Emogor: The Cambridge student running for eight hours straight to help save the pangolins

Charles will be running 60 kilometres dressed in a pangolin suit

Week four news column: Bucket hats, blind dates and wifi trenches

Why doesn’t my college have its own bucket hat..?

Week three news column: Rainbow ravens, silent majorities and disappearing May Weeks

Another May Ball bites the dust…

The History Faculty is hiring a lecturer in the field of Black British History

The faculty state that they ‘particularly welcome applications from candidates from a BME background’

Week two news column: Medieval graveyards, wine shortages and binned lectures

You’ll never guess what’s been hiding under King’s the whole time…

These are the colleges flying the LGBTQ+ Progress Flag in February 2021

The Progress Flag incorporates colours to represent people of colour and transgender people

In conversation with Layla Moran MP: The future of universities during the coronavirus pandemic

‘Universities should open sooner rather than later’

Queens’ College have cancelled their 2021 May Ball

The committee said holding the May Ball would be ‘neither feasible nor sensible’

Week one news column: Zombies, Bernie-mania and Comic Sans

I don’t think it can get any crazier than this…

MMLL and HML finalists given safety net for 2021

The announcement comes after students faced mass disruption during their year abroad

All the Cambridge news you missed over the vacation

Impress your supo partner with your second-to-none knowledge of all things news

500 Cambridge students pledge to ‘withold rent’ next term as part of Cambridge Rent Strike

Cambridge students are demanding a 30 per cent reduction in rent for the 2020/21 academic year

Meet CUSI: The student-led initiative making Cambridge a safer place for refugees

CUSI has been relaunched to make Cambridge a ‘University of Sanctuary’ for refugees and asylum seekers

Charles Darwin’s notebooks reported as stolen from University Library

There are currently no leads in the investigation

In conversation with the founders of the Cambridge Language Collective

Meet the fourth year MML students at Fitz who have launched a society for enthusiasts of foreign languages and cultures

Trinity Hall outlines plan to partially divest from fossil fuels

They plan to divest from direct fossil fuel extraction over a period of six months

Jesus College to remove memorial of slave trade investor Tobias Rustat

‘The Library is also considering remodelling the Rustat endowment fund’

Asymptomatic COVID-19 cases in Cambridge continue to fall for the second week in a row

There’s been a 0.1 per cent drop in positive cases from last week

Jesus College Climate Justice Campaign deliver 350 strong petition to trustees demanding divestment

The Jesus College divestment saga continues with a popular-supported petition

Trinity College replant lawn months after XR protestors dug it up

New turf is finally being laid after protestors dug into it in February

223 students told to isolate at Homerton College

After 18 positive cases of COVID-19, 223 students are put into a 14-day lockdown at Homerton College

‘Stop Horsing Around’: Students protest at Jesus College demanding divestment

Students and fellows at Jesus College have held a peaceful protest calling for a full divestment from fossil fuels