223 students told to isolate at Homerton College

After 18 positive cases of COVID-19, 223 students are put into a 14-day lockdown at Homerton College

Homerton College announced yesterday evening that 223 students in their West House accommodation have been told to self-isolate after 18 positive cases of COVID-19 had been identified across 11 separate households. The isolation period began at 21:30 on the 16th of October and will last for at least 14 days.

Homerton College, in a statement uploaded to their website last night, has said “this step has been taken based on information from the University’s rigorous testing programme”, and that taking this “preventative step” is vital in protecting the Homerton, University and wider city communities.

The Homerton lockdown comes after the results of the second week of the University’s asymptomatic screening programme were released.

The college adds that the students in isolation now have increased access to welfare, as “the College has brought in additional staff over the weekend” to support those affected.

However, a first year student who is affected by the lockdown, and wishes to stay anonymous, said: “Yesterday we [Homerton students] got an email at 21:28 telling us that from 21:30 we have to stay in our rooms until 30th October”. They add that the students “had no chance” to stock up on food or other essentials and since the college is not providing students with breakfast, this poses a big problem.

The student says that they “still haven’t been told” if they can use their communal kitchens, nor if they are able to get food deliveries. Finally, the student says that they are “very concerned that being locked in [their] room at such short notice… will be detrimental to [their] mental health”.

Homerton College has been contacted for comment. 

Feature image credit:Franman247 (Creative Commons License